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Questions and Answers

Why didn't the Devil deceive Adam and Eve to eat from the Tree of Life also? And why was the Tree of Life in the garden at all? I was trying to understand why in a garden where food was abundant the two trees of greatest importance to their well-being were there for them, and no warning was given to them about the Devil and his lies. Yet they only ate from the Tree of Knowledge. It would seem they were not even interested in the Tree of Life. They could have eaten of the Tree of Life first and then the tree of knowledge. After they sinned then God thought about barring the way to the Tree of Life, why then? and why not before?
Would you please explain what the Ark is in 1 Kings 8 that was brought to the Temple for King Solomon.
Someone told me that the word "tempt" when it refers to God, was a typo.  Please let me know what you think.
Will God, through the Holy Spirit, finally give up on calling someone for salvation, if the person continues to reject the call?
How do you define sin nature? I believe in the concept of original sin inherited from Adam, but recently I was told that sin is actually in our blood. I have believed that sin is in our nature, but I'd never thought of it as actually being in our blood.