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Questions and Answers

I am not questioning the existence of God, but what I don't understand is why Christians say God is self-existent, eternal, spirit and trinitarian? What scriptures support this claim?
I was wondering if I am praying to God in Jesus' name: I was under the impression that they are the same. So if they are the same, why differentiate between the two, (ie: Jesus / God created the heavens and the Earth)?
What biblical quotes can be deduced to support God's rejection of Cain's offering and do you think it is the type of offering or is it the condition of the offering or the giver?
Can you tell me what is meant by 1 John 5:6 "water and blood"? What is water? What does "He came by water and blood" mean?
Revelation 22:19 ends with "...God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Does this refer to a loss of salvation.