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This life offers only a window of time to work for the Lord. Youth and old age both offer their own hindrances to service. In many ways, though not entirely, youth should be spent in learning, middle age in doing, and old age in teaching. Many of the greatest servants of the Lord found in scripture began their journey in youth by learning of the Lord and His ways (1 Kings 18:12; Psalm 71:5; 2 Chronicles 34:3; Job 29:4; Ecclesiastes 12:1). As they approached the prime of life, they put their learning to use by serving the Lord (Numbers 8:24-25). As they passed their prime, they would pass their knowledge on to the next generation in hopes the work of God would go on (2 Timothy 4:1-8).
God is a God of order. He is also a God who divides. Even on the first day of creation, He divided the light from the darkness. And, He expects His servants to rightly divide His word (2Timothy 2:15).
Amongst the many metaphors that our blessed Saviour is expressed by in the holy scriptures, certainly this of the Door must carry emphasis and signification, for use and improvement; otherwise He that was wiser than Solomon, and spake as never man spake, (for excellency of matter and form) would never have likened himself to a Door.
Jesus has gone from the "only begotten Son" to the "only begotten God" to the "One and Only." How did this happen and what does it mean?