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Bible Dictionary Entry. Abdeel means servant of God. The name is mentioned only in Jeremiah 36:26
How is your love relationship with the Saviour? Does your heart ache when that fellowship is hindered? Do you seek and seek until you find him again?
Do your sins leave you good for nothing in the sight of God? Would you be willing to seek His face so that you might be a vessel of honour in His hands?
Is knowing God nothing more than an intellectual exercise to the Bible-believer? Are we allowed to have an experiential knowledge of Him?
Have you considered that your actions today may brings blemishes to you or your testimony that cannot be undone? A good testimony is one of the most valuable assets you have. Therefore take heed to yourself.
We must all remember that the mercies of the Lord will not continue forever. If we continue to reject Him, there will be a day when He will not hear. Today is the day of salvation. Come to the Lord while there is still time.