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F. B. Meyer, the British Baptist whose books have blessed multitudes, gave full credit and glory to God, yet he did not neglect the human side...
The pernicious tendency of these traditions is very strikingly illustrated, in one of our Lord’s discourses...
Well maybe he didn't, but Augie, a two-year-old greater Swiss mountain dog, did eat $400.
As the revival ebbed in 1905, many churches focused on activities directed toward self rather than submission to God. Forum and programs became the hallmark of the day instead of submission, obedience, and sacrifice...
God’s power “is divided ordinarily into absolute and ordinate. Absolute, is that power whereby God is able to do that which he will not do, but is possible to be done...
Faith staggers not: it is the voice of God, and must therefore be received and honored. Hard things and wonderful things were proclaimed to Noah...