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Discerning the difference between the workings of God and the mischief of Satan sometimes serves as a difficult task for believers. Although the Devil is called the tempter in Matthew 4:3 and 1 Thessalonians 3:5, the Bible also shows that God uses temptation to try a man (Genesis 22:1). Other than the association to instigating temptation, God and Satan have no other common ground in this matter. The Devil’s motive and method of temptation is simply wicked. On the other hand, the Lord tempts only for the sake of trying one’s faith to bring about a righteous outcome. Do not discount the fact that God never tempted anyone with evil (James 1:13).
When a believer considers the Bible’s use of “temptation,” he most often associates its usage to something sinful. Though this may be the scripture’s most common usage of the word, context must always be the determining factor. God undeniably tempted Abraham, yet the temptation was not meant to bring about sin. The temptation served as a test of Abraham’s faith. Basically, temptation functions as a means to try one’s faith. James 1:2-3 clearly offers the connection as it incorporates the words “temptations” and “trying” interchangeably. The author, the purpose, and the circumstances surrounding temptations will vary, but the underlying premise remains constant. Each believer must learn how to discern the specifics when tempted.
Sometimes the Bible’s first usage of a word offers the greatest insights into the overall usage of the word throughout the scriptures. For instance, today’s verse affords a glimpse into the first use of a form of the word love. This first occurrence is by divine design representing the greatest of truths. This first mention of love reflects the love of a father for his beloved son. Of even greater significance is the fact that despite this father’s love for his son, he was willing to sacrifice him in obedience to his heavenly Father. Bible students have always considered this father and son duo as a wonderful picture of the relationship of our heavenly Father (God the Father) to God the Son. The first mention of the word love is a father’s love for his son and the first love ever was the love of God the Father for God the Son (John 15:9; John 17:23, 26). Only the Lord could orchestrate such wonderful and profound truths.
A cursory read of today’s passage might lead someone to believe that it contains a glaring contradiction. Yet, the passage simply makes a distinction between the two main kinds of fear, the fear of man and the fear of God. God instructs His people not to fear the things of the world so that they might know the fear of the Lord. Each of these fears reflects the level of faith. A fear of the world reflects an absence of faith. It further reveals a lack of trust in God to provide or take care of the believer. The Lord warned His people to overcome the fears of this world based upon His own presence (Genesis 15:1). Yet, the fear of the Lord is founded strictly upon faith. Those who fear the Lord trust in Him (Psalm 115:11).
The children of Israel had an important decision to make: whether to obey the Lord or unwisely refuse to obey Him. The Lord assured His children that their obedience would pay off with fruitful dividends. He promised to bless their obedience and curse their disobedience. The Bible clearly lists the blessings of obedience (Deuteronomy 28:1-14). Though the blessings of obedience can vary from one person to the next, obedience always yields God's blessing. For instance, Abraham was told that all nations would be blessed in his seed because he obeyed the voice of the Lord (Genesis 22:18). Isaiah told the Israelites that, if they would obey, they would eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19). Jeremiah told his audience that their obedience would cause it to be well with their soul and that their souls would live (Jeremiah 38:20). Blessings received from obedience may vary, but the blessings of obedience are well worth any temporary fleshly sacrifice.