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Those who meddle with astrologers and sorcerers (and like practices) put themselves on a collision course with God's judgment.
Basically, a steward is one who oversees someone else’s possessions. The scripture shows stewards overseeing the substance and possession of the king (1 Chronicles 28:1) or administering the oversight of labourers within a vineyard (Matthew 20:8). The life of a steward was devoted to his master’s needs, wants, and demands. The job description was broad and comprehensive. Eliezer, Abraham’s steward (Genesis 15:2), ruled over all that Abraham had (Genesis 24:2) but also went forth to find a wife for Abraham’s son Isaac (Genesis 24:9). The master’s needs became the responsibilities of the steward. Simply put, the steward was responsible for what the master had placed under his care and supervision.
Most people are familiar with the phrase forgive and forget, yet likely not that familiar that its origin is the Bible. Jeremiah 31:34 refers to a condition yet to be enjoyed by the Jewish people in the kingdom established on this earth following the second coming. Some of these benefits are already enjoyed by the born-again child of God. In this verse, the Lord says that He “will forgive their iniquity, and . . . will remember their sin no more.” Notice that God said He will not only forgive but also forget. What a day that will be! True forgiveness also forgets the transgression. To claim that someone is forgiven and still remains accountable for a wrongdoing suggests that he was never actually forgiven. It is important to note that God’s forgiveness and forgetfulness is not based upon what a person deserves, but an act of God’s mercy (Hebrews 8:11-12).
Joseph went through so many trials and tribulations that at times he must have questioned if he had been forsaken of God. Our passage picks up the story with Joseph unjustly imprisoned. Pharaoh had a dream and called the wise men of the land together for the interpretation. All of Egypt’s wise men could not interpret the dream, but Joseph could. God revealed to Joseph the impending famine with detailed information on how to prepare for it. He instructed Pharaoh on how to gather during the time of plenty to prepare for the famine. These guidelines would allow Egypt to survive and even increase throughout the period of famine. Joseph also counselled Pharaoh to set a man over the land of Egypt who was “discreet and wise.” Pharaoh told his servants that Joseph was the only one who could adequately do the task because he was “a man in whom the Spirit of God” resided. Joseph’s acts of discretion not only led Egypt through the famine but also provided for Joseph’s family when they too would come to Egypt in need of food (see Genesis chapter 42).