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There is one murder that far surpasses every other murder ever committed. That particular murder occurred when Jesus Christ was crucified.
Science frequently uses natural reasoning and ordinary terminology to explain away the hand of God as He interacts with mankind. Without God, the more book learning that people get, the more ignorant they seem to become. It should come as no surprise that the Lord said that the last days would be plagued with people who could not see the truth due to their educated state (1 Timothy 6:20; Daniel 12:4; 2 Timothy 3:7). The reality is that the process of bringing a child into this world is a process that declares the handywork of God. It is God that works in the life and health of an unborn child to ensure that the child grows and matures properly. When men seek natural explanations for God’s work, they dismiss the miraculous involvement of God.
Far too many people allow themselves to accept unbalanced viewpoints. For instance, people focus on the glory of leadership while failing to realize the tremendous responsibility that comes with leadership. A student, for example, is only responsible for his own studies, while a teacher takes on the added responsibility for how he leads each of his students. A pastor who can’t rule well his own home has no business taking on the added responsibility of caring for the church of God (1 Timothy 3:4-5). An employee within a company is responsible to God for his own work.  Yet, a company owner takes upon himself the responsibility for leading and caring for every individual affected by the company. With these truths in mind, we again focus upon today’s passage. James suggests that believers consider the responsibility that accompanies leadership before taking on a position of leadership.