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As previously discussed, every man desires inner peace. Yet, some individuals know peace while others live a life of unrest and instability. Those who have peace are considered wise as they strive to keep it. Unfortunately, many people who do not understand true peace convince themselves that they possess it already. According to scripture, these are the type of people who walk in the imagination of their own heart. They do things their own way rather than God’s way and claim to experience peace in the process. Claiming peace without possessing it is unsafe, unwise, and certainly unscriptural. Hope in a false peace has destroyed many nations, peoples, homes, and individuals. Sadly, God's people have never been immune to this regrettable deception. In fact, the Lord declared His fury because the prophets and priests dealt falsely (Jeremiah 6:13). How did they deal falsely? They proclaimed, “Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14).
The context of our passage is the sinfulness of God’s people, particularly those residing within the city of Jerusalem. The city is said to have “wearied herself with lies.” A similar truth is taught in Jeremiah 9:5 where the Bible says, “they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity.” The context is different, but the concept remains constant: it requires hard work to tell and sustain lies. Anybody that has ever told a lie knows that it takes much greater effort to sustain a lie than to simply let the truth stand upon its own merit. Among other things, lying takes creativity, calculation, and a good memory. Additionally, lying stresses a person’s conscience. Very rarely does one lie suffice within any particular deception, but the original lie often requires additional lies to support it. Lying is hard work and very stressful for those who have not seared their conscience!
The Bible has much to say about the tongue or the words man speaks. The tongue of man is a deadly weapon (James 3:5-8). As such, the scripture likens it to a bow that is bent; only the arrows are the expressed lies (Jeremiah 9:3). A similar thought is found in Psalm 64:3 where David said of the wicked that they “whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words.” Unfortunately, even Christians sometimes make light of how deadly words can be. The old saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” may sound quaint; but it is far from the truth. Words do cause wounds. The Bible likens lies to arrows that are shot out of a bow. Relating the lies to the arrows is certainly meant to convey the pain caused by the lying. Lies often do bring hurt; sometimes not physically, but in some form or another lies wound others.