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Many people fail to enjoy the present blessings by worrying about the inevitability of future difficulties. Though each time of life is certainly filled with its difficulties, it is also filled with tremendous opportunities for blessing. When young, a person ought to rejoice in his youth while keeping in mind that God will bring his deeds into judgment. When growing older, people ought to rejoice in getting married, having children, working, and serving the Lord. As one grows older, he can enjoy the benefits of each phase of life knowing that God has special blessings in store for each day. After all, why be robbed of today’s joys by worry concerning troubles and sorrows that may never come to pass? And if they do transpire, effort spent in worrying about them was useless.
Respect is not inherited but must be earned. Paul wrote to young Timothy admonishing him to “let no man despise” his youth. In other words, Timothy was responsible for how others handled his youthfulness. Paul’s advice for Timothy was for him to be an example to other believers in every facet of life. If he did that, no man would despise his youth. They would begin to see Timothy as a man and would have no problem following his leadership. His youth would not be a hindrance. In the beginning, David was disdained because of his youth (1 Samuel 17:33, 42), but when he defeated Goliath and gave Israel the victory, he was given the respect of a war hero. David did not show up demanding or even expecting others to respect him; he earned it through his actions.
Today’s passage provides the qualifications for a widow before considering her for financial support by the church. Interestingly, several qualifications are strongly connected to her efforts involving hospitality. Did she lodge strangers? Did she wash the saints’ feet? Did she relieve the afflicted? These questions basically sum up whether or not the lady was “given to hospitality” (Romans 12:13). A woman who had given her life to others was counted worthy of receiving help from others once she was no longer able to support herself. She was to be held in high esteem if she had taken others in when they had no place to go, or washed the feet of other saints when they entered into her home, or relieved those around her who were afflicted.
All good motives for Christian service should be rooted in love. As believers, we have a God-given responsibility in the area of hospitality. Twice the Bible refers to being “given to hospitality” (Romans 12:13; 1 Timothy 3:2). The First Timothy passage specifically speaks of the qualifications of a bishop. However, God never intended for hospitality to be limited to church leadership. In fact, the passage in Romans identifies hospitality as a responsibility for all believers. To be “given to hospitality” means to be led by or under the control of hospitality. In other words, everything we do involving others should be motivated by the desire to be hospitable. Titus 1:8 takes hospitality a step further by declaring that a bishop must be “a lover of hospitality.” Christians should purpose to find joy spending time with others, sincerely desiring to strengthen and encourage them in some area of need.