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All men, at some point in their lives, are confronted with the truth. At such time, men must choose to accept or reject that truth.
Men could know the truth if they desired to know it. Sadly, most men refuse to pursue and know the truth made so readily available unto them.
The question of an appropriate audience to receive witness of the resurrection may seem quite simple at first. However, the issue is somewhat controversial. Some erroneously teach that believers should only witness to Jews, while others teach that believers should witness to all except for Jews. Others might suggest that believers should not witness to any of the lost because God has chosen some to die and go to hell. These teachings exist for many reasons, none of which are scriptural. The biblical pattern for the New Testament church is that believers should “witness unto all men.” Everyone needs the opportunity to hear the gospel, despite his or her background or current living conditions. The whole world needs to hear that Christ has risen!