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There is one murder that far surpasses every other murder ever committed. That particular murder occurred when Jesus Christ was crucified.
Murder is an act of hatred originating in the heart. Man, however, is not the inventor of murder. It is, in fact, the will and work of Satan.
Capital punishment is not confined to the Old Testament and is not done to the exclusion of God’s grace, but rather as an act of God’s just judgment.
Unscriptural authority undermines God’s true authority. Unfortunately, many well-meaning Christians have determined that their own experiences or feelings hijack God’s authority. Authority, however, is only proper when it is within the God-given boundaries established by God’s word. One example is the authority to teach and lead men. According to scripture, this authority is not given to women (1 Timothy 2:12), and when a woman seeks to commandeer this authority, she does so apart from the Lord’s leading. The same holds true when children try to lead the home, or when others seek authority that the Lord never intended for them.
Bible-believing Christians in their desire for independence have sometimes been characterized as rebels disapproving of most authority. This characterization should not be the case and our lives should reflect just the opposite mind-set and approach. Those who know the Lord should be the first to obey, submit to (Hebrews 13:17), and pray for (1 Timothy 2:1-2) those in authority. Those who walk in the flesh are the ones who“despise government” and “are not afraid to speak evil of dignities” (2 Peter 2:10; Jude 1:8). There are times when man’s authority comes into direct conflict with God’s authority. In these cases, men must choose to obey God (Acts 5:29).  Yet, there are plenty of other times when the people of God need to learn a greater respect for authority.
The question concerning duly authorized or appointed authority is crucial. Although the question above originated with the chief priests and elders, it remains a good question. What was the Lord’s authority for the things He was doing, and from what or whom did this authority originate? It is under this microscope that everything in life should be examined. The Lord’s authority was Himself (or His Father), and so it should be with the New Testament believer. Everything believed or done should be believed or done because it is the will of the Lord. Unfortunately, the typical believer today has other competing authorities such as feelings, experience, and even peers that often lead to unscriptural beliefs and works.
Elkanah had two wives, one named Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah remained barren. Peninnah used this opportunity of Hannah’s barren state to provoke her, hoping that she could trouble her rival. The Christian’s primary adversary is much different from Peninnah, but Satan’s goal and resolve is identical to this example. The adversary, the Devil (1 Peter 5:8), wants believers to live troubled, fretful, and defeated lives. If he can cause a believer to fret and to worry and to complain, he has a much greater chance of turning that believer’s heart against the Lord (Proverbs 19:3). The Devil knows that if he turns the heart, he might be able to cause that believer to curse the Lord (Isaiah 8:21). Satan uses worry as one of the foundational elements in his multipronged attack to bring about his greater objective. He wants to turn hearts against God! Those believers who struggle most with worry offer Satan the greatest chance of success
Prayer serves as the greatest remedy for worry and fears. In Philippians 4:6, God’s word tells us to “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” This truth is reaffirmed in 1 Peter 5:7 where the Bible says, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” A man can expend time and strength caring for the things of this world including the necessities of life, or he can make a conscious decision to obediently cast those same cares upon the Lord. This allows the Lord to show Himself strong toward the individual by caring for His child. According to Philippians 4:7, by choosing to pray, the cares and worries of man are replaced with “the peace of God.” The Bible describes this peace as one that keeps the believer’s heart and mind through Christ Jesus and even passes one’s ability to comprehend its depths and riches.