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Every believer ought to faithfully read the word of God, but there is another command that is not to be neglected. According to 2 Timothy 2:15, believers can show themselves approved unto God by studying the scriptures. One can read through the scriptures on a daily basis without ever truly studying the scriptures. In order to study, one must delve into the words and phrases of the Bible and consider their meaning both historically and doctrinally. Few believers take time to read their Bibles, but even fewer take time to study it. In fact, the modern versions have removed the command to study from 2 Timothy 2:15. Somebody has tried to hide God’s desire for believers to study. No doubt it is the same one who walks about seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).
Historically, most believers did not have the option of searching the scriptures every day. In fact, local bodies of believers might have had only one copy of the scriptures or a portion of the scriptures that could be read only when the believers came together to worship the Lord. As time progressed, more and more copies of the scriptures began to circulate. In Acts chapter 17, the Bereans were declared to be noble because they searched the scriptures on a daily basis. Perhaps they each had copies, or they met at a place of worship and studied together, but either way, they were commended for their faithfulness to delve into God’s word. Now, as the Bible is readily available, believers should be more faithful than any previous generation to daily search of the scriptures.
A yoke was an instrument used to help two animals work together when plowing. The Lord Jesus said that believers should take His yoke upon them (Matthew 11:29). In other words, the Lord was saying that we should serve with Him in our service to Him. In 1 Corinthians 3:9, we learn that “we are labourers together with God.” Fellowshipping with the Lord means walking with Him (1 John 1:6-7), and walking with Him means being in agreement with Him (Amos 3:3). Just as God desired to fellowship with Adam (Genesis 3:8) and Enoch (Genesis 5:22), He desires to have fellowship with us today. It is very important that we have fellowship with other like-minded believers, but even more important that we fellowship with the Lord.