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The Lord warned His followers about the wickedness of those who have an inordinate desire to be in authority over others. “The princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them” (Matthew 20:25). The people of God should not be controlled by such men (or women). Those who know and love the Lord should sincerely desire to serve others rather than to be in authority over them. The chief example is the Lord Jesus Christ who “came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). John gave a similar warning when he spoke of “Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence” (3 John 1:9).
The question concerning duly authorized or appointed authority is crucial. Although the question above originated with the chief priests and elders, it remains a good question. What was the Lord’s authority for the things He was doing, and from what or whom did this authority originate? It is under this microscope that everything in life should be examined. The Lord’s authority was Himself (or His Father), and so it should be with the New Testament believer. Everything believed or done should be believed or done because it is the will of the Lord. Unfortunately, the typical believer today has other competing authorities such as feelings, experience, and even peers that often lead to unscriptural beliefs and works.
Sometimes the Bible’s first usage of a word offers the greatest insights into the overall usage of the word throughout the scriptures. For instance, today’s verse affords a glimpse into the first use of a form of the word love. This first occurrence is by divine design representing the greatest of truths. This first mention of love reflects the love of a father for his beloved son. Of even greater significance is the fact that despite this father’s love for his son, he was willing to sacrifice him in obedience to his heavenly Father. Bible students have always considered this father and son duo as a wonderful picture of the relationship of our heavenly Father (God the Father) to God the Son. The first mention of the word love is a father’s love for his son and the first love ever was the love of God the Father for God the Son (John 15:9; John 17:23, 26). Only the Lord could orchestrate such wonderful and profound truths.