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Truth is a crucial piece in the believer’s armour, girding the loins and, as such, freeing a man from life's entanglements.
When men choose to reject the truth, God tends to withhold further truth from them. The result is spiritual and intellectual darkness.
God is "a God of truth" and the words that proceed forth from Him reflect His nature. As such, the words of God are just as true as the God of the words.
Men could know the truth if they desired to know it. Sadly, most men refuse to pursue and know the truth made so readily available unto them.
No doubt Paul spoke to the Lord about Hymenaeus and Alexander and their wickedness (1 Timothy 1:20; 2 Timothy 4:14), but he most likely expended his strength thanking God for believers like those in Rome (Romans 1:8). All believers should thank God for those whose reputations have been carefully maintained. Throughout the world, people spoke of the faith of those in Rome. The Bible tells us that news of their obedience spread abroad unto all men (Romans 16:19). Although Paul would commend them for their godly reputations, he knew who ultimately deserved the thanks. In like manner, believers today should put forth more strength thanking God for good reputations.
The brethren have become notorious about speaking of one another, not always in the best light. Frequently, the individual’s reputation who is the subject of the conversation dictates the tone of the conversation. We have several examples of the brethren speaking of Timothy. Thankfully, each instance involved a report of praise. If someone chose to speak evil of Timothy, the conversation would have had to revolve around some sort of baseless accusation. According to the Bible’s testimony of Timothy, he had a wonderful reputation among believers at Lystra and Iconium. Paul likewise gave a good report of Timothy when he said, “I have no man likeminded, who will naturally care for your state. . . . But ye know the proof of him, that as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel” (Philippians 2:20-22). Every Christian should live in such a way that any evil report would be baseless and rejected by those who know you best.
The Bible has many examples of reputations that were changed. For instance, Moses grew up in Egypt, specifically in the house of Pharaoh. One day, when he was a grown man, he witnessed an Egyptian smiting a Jew. Moses killed the Egyptian in order to protect his kinsman. Bad news travels fast and Moses immediately developed a reputation as a short-tempered killer. He learned of this when he attempted to intervene during a dispute between two Hebrews. After the Pharaoh found out Moses’ identity, Moses ran for his life and spent the next forty years in hiding. Eventually, the Lord spoke to Moses and called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into a land of promise. Moses failed to lead the people into Canaan, but he succeeded in changing his tarnished reputation into something that God commended (Numbers 12:3).
As is often the case, men’s opinions and those of God are at opposite ends of the spectrum. For instance, man emphasizes celebrating the day of one’s birth and mourns the day of one’s death. Scripture points out that the day of one’s death is far better than the day of one’s birth. Why? The day of one’s death comes with very few questions concerning the individual. The person has lived his life and left behind a reputation, good or bad. However, when a child enters into this world, he does so with numerous uncertainties. What kind of person will he be? Will he love and serve the Lord, or will he live wickedly? Only a life fully lived answers these questions. Each day’s work contributes to a man’s reputation so that death leaves few questions.
An epistle (Colossians 4:16) is a letter from one person, or a group of people, to another. The epistle of Second Timothy was from Paul to a preacher named Timothy. Timothy was a young man (1 Timothy 4:12) but possessed a strong love for the Lord. Paul testified of this truth repeatedly and today’s passage shows Paul commenting on Timothy’s “unfeigned faith.” There was something refreshingly genuine about Timothy’s walk with the Lord. Though Paul was speaking specifically about Timothy’s faith, he made mention that this faith did not start with Timothy. This faith had been passed from his grandmother Lois to his mother Eunice, and then on to Timothy. In fact, he was being taught scripture from the time he was a child (2 Timothy 3:15). This type of upbringing yielded a young man of “unfeigned faith” who further matured into adulthood with spiritual fortitude worthy of emulation.
Christians in every age have faced varied battles ranging from small skirmishes to life-ending combat. God’s word tells the believer to equip himself as a good soldier of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:3) by putting on “the whole armour of God.” This armour enables those engulfed in the battle to “stand against the wiles of the devil.” The apostle Paul identifies this armour and the importance of every element. Interestingly, as he refers to “the shield of faith,” he suggests taking it “above all.” Faith, though often overlooked, remains a crucial element within the saint’s spiritual arsenal. The Bible drives home this truth by pointing out that the shield of faith can “quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.” Without faith, the believer stands exposed and vulnerable. It is utterly impossible to “be strong in the Lord” apart from a steadfast faith in God and His word. While the sword (the Bible) works on the offense, faith protects and shields.