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Any honest person, however, would have to confess that God hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
In many ways, sin is simply sin. However, sins carry varying weights or repercussions. In fact, the Bible testifies that some sins are greater than others.
Although the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin, some things cannot merely be undone. With or without forgiveness, sin has certain consequences.
There are two categories of sin: sins against God and sins against man. By default, every sin is against God. Yet, not all sin is against man.
Most people view sin as a private or earthy matter. Yet, every sin is against the Lord. In truth, men can sin against the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
Sin is not something man does by accident. It is something man does or allows based upon an unwillingness to stop an act before it becomes sin.
Sin and those who participate therein anger Lord. In the days of Noah, sin grieved the Lord so badly that it repented God that he had made man on the earth.
Far too few believers consider the extent that God cares about what they do in, to, and through their bodies. The reality is that the believer is to glorify God in his body. Today’s passage instructs the saint of God to present his body to God as a living sacrifice. Amazingly, the Bible describes this spiritual sacrifice not as some great spiritual achievement but as a mere reasonable service (Romans 12:1). All true fellowship, consecration, and sanctification originate within one’s heart; however, it eventually works its way out to be visibly seen. A believer deceives himself if he claims to walk with God in sweet communion yet experiences no outward changes visible to mankind. A yielded Christian ensures that no part of his life is off limits to the Lord. He strives to ensure his life, including his body, is a testimony bringing glory to His Saviour.
There are many stories of those overcome with a sense of embarrassment resulting from their actions while under the influence. As they increasingly yielded to the power of strong drink, they did things they later regretted once sober. This is what the Bible means about alcohol when it says it causes men to “stumble in judgment.” No doubt many of God’s people like Noah (Genesis 9:21-25) and Lot (Genesis 19:31-36) had regrets as they became sober. The Bible tells of Nabal who “was very drunken” and foolishly refused to help king David (1 Samuel 25:1-17, 36). When he came to himself, Abigail told her husband all that had transpired during his drunken stupor. After he heard of his foolish actions, the Bible says that “his heart died within him” (1 Samuel 25:37).
Throughout history, millions of people have been deceived by the influence of wine and strong drink, including many Christians. These multitudes have been duped into thinking that they have the power to start and stop their consumption at will. All of them underestimated the power and the control of alcohol. Alcoholic consumption at the first seems to pose no threat to the individual, but as man continues to give himself to it, he discovers its deadly side. This is confirmed in Proverbs 23:32 where the Bible says, “At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.” A man who submits himself to wine or strong drink eventually discovers that partaking in these substances turns to his own demise. He will lose his God-given self-control and find himself at the mercy of the unmerciful strong drink.