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A good steward is recognized for his strong desire to please his master. For this reason, he does not expend the majority of his time and energy toward pleasing other stewards. He recognizes his first responsibility as accountability toward his master. So long as he pleases his master, all other issues will adequately fall into their rightful place. So it is with the steward of God. It is not that he lacks any desire to please others, but this desire pales in comparison to his desire to please the Lord. Simply put, he does not allow others to conflict with his primary responsibility of pleasing his Master. Unfortunately, this issue has become one of the most significant hindrances facing modern Christianity—the inordinate desire men have to please one another rather than the One that matters most.
Charity is certainly love, but not merely what we would consider a standard type of love and certainly not like today’s usage or definition. Charity is a deeper, fuller, and stronger type of love. In fact, charity remains at the peak of Christianity (1 Corinthians 13:13; 2 Peter 1:7) and is to be sought above all else (Colossians 3:14). With this in mind, a man would be wise to study the subject of charity in the Bible. After careful consideration, if he finds himself not behaving charitably, he should adjust his actions. The Bible also says that charity suffers long and envies not (1 Corinthians 13:4). It rejoices not in iniquity, but in truth (1 Corinthians 13:6). Additionally, charity is kind (1 Corinthians 13:4). This shows that those behaving charitably treat others like members of their family. Those displaying charity will care for others in the good times as well as the bad. They will rejoice when there is truth, but never in iniquity.