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It is imperative that men speak the truth, for “he that speaketh the truth sheweth forth righteousness,” and his lip “shall be established for ever.”
The truth is more valuable than any earthly possession and it would be worth a man selling everything he owns just to possess the truth.
Most men would rather accept lies than to believe the truth. This bias against the truth has been present as far back as the garden of Eden.
In the tribulation, there will be many who will love “not their lives unto the death.” Their love for the Saviour will surpass their love for life itself.
On the day Stephen was martyred, a young man named Saul stood by and gave his consent to Stephen’s death. Apparently, that day greatly affected Saul.
It has been said that an individual is not truly ready to live for the Lord until he is willing and ready to die for Him. As a believer, one should not fear death.
It was said that Peter’s death would “glorify God.” Obviously, it is not only necessary to glorify God in one’s life but also possible to glorify God in death.
A martyr is one who is killed for his faith. Only two individuals are specifically named as martyrs in scripture: Stephen and Antipas.
The apostle Paul warned of a time when people would no longer endure sound doctrine. Because of their lusts, they would actively seek after teachers who turned them unto fables. In fact, much of this is accomplished by people using the truth as a source for teaching things contrary to the very truth they supposedly uphold. Far too frequently people have been turned away from the truth in the name of truth. These Bible teachers elevate themselves as the authority while creating fables generally based upon certain verses of scripture. The tragedy may begin subtly, but eventually, many people seek after these teachers rather than scripture. This is why Paul admonished Timothy to “Preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2) to delay the onset of this spiritually desolate period.
False teachers are extremely dangerous because they undermine truth! Their rotten fruit may not surface for some time, but when allowed to continue unchecked, they will deceive individuals, whole families, and good churches. Paul warned Titus that such teachers had already seen some success and that their mouths must be stopped. Regretfully, whole houses had already been subverted with the false teachers still at work. A similar situation is recorded in Acts 15:24 where the saints of God were “troubled” by the words of false teachers. There is no telling how many of God’s people have walked away from sound doctrine because of false teachers. Worse yet, how many souls are burning right now in hell because they trusted in a false gospel?