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The Lord, in His omniscience, has provided man with everything he needs through salvation and the grace that brings salvation. One might ask, “How does salvation teach sobriety?” A proper understanding of grace and salvation reminds man that he is completely inadequate in and of himself. Apart from the Lord’s intervention, man would be on a slippery slope towards the pits of hell. In his very best state, man’s righteous acts are no better than filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). When a man meditates upon his salvation and the grace of God that gave him salvation, he avoids the snare of pride. He knows full well who he is and what God had to do to make him fit for heaven. He knows he owes the Lord a great debt and determines to be alert in his daily walk.
Most people unfortunately limit the meaning of sobriety to the absence of alcohol, but scripturally speaking, the meaning involves a much broader scope. Sobriety is the opposite of being beside oneself (2 Corinthians 5:13) or mad (Acts 26:25) and is akin to being alert (1 Thessalonians 5:6). The word sober is used in conjunction with the words grave (1 Timothy 3:11; Titus 2:2) and temperate (Titus 1:8; Titus 2:2) indicating that it is accomplished when one is in control, down to earth, and finds the proper balance in his thoughts and actions. One who is sober is humble (Romans 12:3), not drunken (1 Thessalonians 5:7-8), and well aware of the circumstances surrounding him at all times (1 Thessalonians 5:6, 8; 1 Peter 5:8).
It is easy to tell others what to do and how to do it, but very unwise to fail to follow one’s own instructions and teachings. In fact, man naturally seems to want to place greater burdens upon others than he himself is willing to bear. This was one of the primary issues addressed by those attending the council of Acts chapter 15 in Jerusalem. Peter concluded with the other apostles in agreement that it was not right to ask others to bear a yoke that previous generations were unable to bear (Acts 15:10). This does not mean that believers change their teaching to fit their obedience. Rather, believers ought to obey the truth and teach these truths to others. How many preachers and teachers have spoken about subject matters only to refuse to obey the very truths they have taught to others?
Those with their ear toward the world have many accessible teachers. Unfortunately, far too frequently, that which is being taught contradicts the plain teaching of scripture. In order to combat the propagation of false teaching, the Lord calls upon His people to teach the truth. God placed men within the New Testament church to spread the truth through teaching and preaching (Acts 13:1). He placed older men and women in the church in order to teach the younger men and women (Titus 2:1-8). He placed godly moms and dads in the home to teach the children. Every believer should have a desire to come to a point where he or she can teach others. According to the scriptures, this is the will of God (Hebrews 5:12).