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Diligent Bible study is commanded of God. However, far too many Christians simply fail to comprehend the depths and riches of God's words. For instance, society has distorted the meaning of obey by limiting obedience solely to following a set of commands. Although obedience certainly does involve following the rules, the Bible indicates a much broader application. Today's passage sheds light on obedience and the depth of its meaning. The Bible says that Israel “would not hear them, nor do them” (that is, hear or do the commandments of God). With this context, it is easy to understand that the Bible defines disobedience as the refusal to hear and do the commandments of the Lord. Other similar passages teach this same truth (1 Samuel 15:22; Proverbs 5:13; Jeremiah 17:23). Obedience is twofold: first, the individual must have an attentive ear, and second, he must act by faith.
Josiah was a godly king who began his reign at the age of eight years old. Because of his genuine appreciation for the Lord, he would later commission the people to work upon the house of God. It was during this work that the high priest found the book of the law of the Lord. As the scripture was read before Josiah, he rent his clothes recognizing God’s wrath was about to come upon His people. Josiah could have become hardened in heart against the Lord; however, he chose not to allow this to happen. Unlike many of his counterparts, Josiah humbled himself. What made Josiah different? His tender heart made all the difference (2 Kings 22:19). Josiah’s humility was not feigned; it was the natural outpouring of a heart tender toward the things of God.