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The 2,000-year history of the church reveals that there have been teachers and whole religions who have rejected the biblical teaching of the coexistence of a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Others have accepted their existence but rejected the fact that these three are one with each being fully God (1 John 5:7). Some have simply been unable to comprehend or unwilling to accept that God could exist as one God in three persons. Regardless of man’s intellectual inadequacies, the Bible reveals that each member of the Godhead works together on our behalf in prayer. The Lord told us that every believer should pray to God the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus (John 15:16). The prayers are directed toward the Father with the Son acting as the mediator (Hebrews 7:25). The book of Romans further reveals that the Spirit of God makes intercession for us in our prayers (Romans 8:26).
Fear introduced is faith attacked. As such, we should not be partakers of the world’s fears. Instead, we should “sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let him be” our fear (Isaiah 8:13). Throughout scripture, the Lord admonished His people not to fear the world. Why? The answer is twofold: (1) the Lord was with them (Genesis 26:24) and (2) fear of the world yields bondage (Proverbs 29:25). This worldly bondage never originates with the Lord (Romans 8:15) for He has given Christians a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). We need not fear those who can destroy the body (Matthew 10:28); rather, we ought to say the Lord is our helper, and we will not fear what men will do unto us (Hebrews 13:6).
God desires for each of His children to walk in the Spirit and be spiritually minded. Yielding our minds to carnality violates God’s will. In fact, “to be carnally minded is death” (Romans 8:6). When we give our minds over to the flesh, we die spiritually. We also miss out on the things that tend toward “life and peace” (Romans 8:6). According to scripture, “the carnal mind is enmity against God” (Romans 8:7). The word enmity is associated with the word enemy demonstrating that a carnal mind is the enemy of God and His will. In fact, the carnal mind not only will not, but cannot be subject to God’s law (Romans 8:7). Christians who are actively walking after the Spirit are the only ones faithfully obeying the Lord.
The Lord frequently uses comparison and contrast to provide insight for discovering biblical definitions. For instance, our text verse contrasts the carnal with the spiritual. This truth is not limited to our text as 1 Corinthians 3:1 also sets forth this teaching and contrast. In a related study, the Bible repeatedly contrasts the spirit and flesh (Isaiah 31:3; Matthew 26:41; John 3:6; John 6:63; Galatians 5:17). By considering these truths together, we find that the Lord defined a “carnal mind” (Romans 8:7) as someone who is “in the flesh” (Romans 8:8). Based upon these verses and others, we understand the word carnal to mean that which is earthly, natural, or fleshly.
Men generally find time to thank God for things which they deem to be good or strictly positive. Yet, the Bible admonishes us to be thankful “for all things.” This means that we should thank God for blessings and trials; for health and sickness; for gain and loss; for peace and troubles. This may seem strange but becomes much more feasible when we understand the truth of Romans 8:28. God takes all things, good and bad, and makes them work together for our good. As such, we ought to be willing to give God thanks “for all things” knowing that He will, in turn, use them for our benefit. Failure to grasp this truth is a failure to trust God's goodness and wisdom. God can and will use even the negative things in your life to help you grow and develop as His child.
Our previous study revealed that kindness refers to treating someone as a cherished member of the family. The Bible proclaims that God is great in kindness (Nehemiah 9:17). It also reveals that kindness is marvellous (Psalm 31:21) and full of mercy (Psalm 117:2). Believers should be thrilled to know that God demonstrates this kindness toward His beloved creation. By nature, men are the children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). Yet, each person has the opportunity to be treated like a beloved member of God’s family as a result of Christ's sacrifice on the cross (Titus 3:4). Those who have trusted Christ as Saviour have been granted the inestimable privilege of being “heirs” of God (Titus 3:7) and “joint-heirs” with Christ (Romans 8:17). This blessing, generally intended for and limited to family, is extended to those whom God counts as family.
Since God is responsible for man’s possessions or the lack thereof, some Christians question why God gives a man some things while He withholds from others. Romans 8:28 contains one of the answers as it points out that “all things work together for good.” This does not imply that everything in the believer’s life is enjoyable or good. It means that everything combined results in good. God works in every piece of a believer’s life. He combines all things so that even the supposed bad things result in what is “good” according to the will of God. So long as God is at the controls, contentment teaches man how to be satisfied. Man's conditions, circumstances, and possessions are appropriate because God has worked everything together for the good of that man.
The scripture plainly declares that God was compassionate prior tothe coming of Christ. Hiscoming to earth in a body of flesh simply confirmed that He is a compassionate Saviour. The coming of Christ, in the likeness of sinful flesh, enabled God the Son to experience the temptations and struggles of mankind (Romans 8:3, Hebrews 5:8). His compassion on earth reveals that He suffered with man, but more importantly, He suffered for man. He took the sins of the world upon Himself (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24), and gave man His own righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21). One of the greatest demonstrationsof His compassion is the fact that God Himself loved us enough to be housed in a body of flesh (Hebrews 10:5).
The word compassion consists of two components: “com” plus “passion.” Acts 1:3 defines the root word “passion” as suffering. The prefix “com” means with. Therefore, the compound word, compassion means to suffer with someone. God expects every true child of God to demonstrate compassion, but even more impressive is the thought that the Lord Jesus Christ manifested compassion during His earthly ministry. What an amazing truth—the Lord of glory willingly humbles Himself to suffer with others. One might assume this only became possible because Christ took upon Himself the likeness of sinful flesh (Romans 8:3). Yet, the Bible attributes compassion to God prior to the first coming of Christ.