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Self-examination serves as a tool for man to use to find out who and what he is. Though some preachers suggest that believers should never question their own salvation experience, the scripture encourages self-examination. If there are doubts, believers should certainly ask questions concerning the basis for their salvation. Was it based upon one’s feelings or solely upon the scriptures? They should ask what they did in order to be saved. Did they join a church, do some penitent work, or did they call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by faith as dictated by the scriptures? They should ask about the effects of their salvation. Have they seen a change of heart, or are they the same that they were before trusting Christ as Saviour?
Incorporating equity within one’s judgment processes remains crucial at every level, whether concerning a nation, a community, a church, or a home. The book of Micah describes what happens when leaders pervert equity. Micah 3:11 declares that they “judge for reward,” “teach for hire,” and “divine for money.” One might assume this perversion of equity would immediately send a nation into destruction; but Micah 3:10 points out that they “build up Zion with blood.” No matter how successful and prosperous an individual or group may seem, in the end, the Lord will bring judgment. In this case, Zion shall “be plowed as a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps” (Micah 3:12). When a nation, community, church, or family perverts equity, God brings judgment when He deems the time appropriate. Proverbs 14:34 clearly points out that “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” Those who judge success through worldly means rather than by using biblical standards will fail to see God’s judgment coming until it becomes too late.
The last few lessons revealed how equity should always be linked to judgment. The passage today reiterates this truth, suggesting that righteousness, judgment, and equity are not only closely associated, but inseparable. Verse 8 reveals that it is the Lord who “keepeth the paths of judgment.” Verse 9 points out that righteousness, judgment, and equity are said to be the “good” paths. These good paths stand in stark contrast to those paths that seem right to the world, but in the end are “the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25).The saint of God has a clear choice. He can do things his own way resulting in an untimely death, or he can follow after God’s plan and find that God “preserveth the way of his saints.” The choice is simple: choose God’s good path and not the well trodden path travelled by the world. God’s plan or path is for a man to judge with righteousness and equity.