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Why should we forgive others? At first glance, we might think we should do so out of the goodness of our heart. Yet, there must be a deeper and more foundational reason for our forgiveness. Fundamentally, our forgiveness should be centered upon the Lord and His forgiveness toward us. Read Ephesians 4:32 above again. What should motivate our complete forgiveness of others? Is it not because we have been completely forgiven by the Lord? Look closely and you will see that God forgave us “for Christ’s sake.” If God forgave you for the sake of His Son, should this not also be the basis of our forgiveness of others? John confirmed this foundational truth of God’s forgiveness in his first epistle when he said, “. . . your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake” (1 John 2:12). When we forgive others, we do so “for Christ’s sake.” Forgiving others because you have been forgiven illustrates God's mercy to others.
Prior to salvation, every individual comes to understand the need for forgiveness of sins. Forgiveness is directly associated to the nature of man’s relationship with God. Yet, apart from the need for initial forgiveness, most Christians have a very shallow concept of how the Bible defines forgiveness in general. According to scripture, forgiveness is directly connected to the covering of sin (Psalm 32:1). Psalm 32 does not stand alone as Psalm 85:2 exhibits the same association: “Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sin. Selah.” It is important to understand the Bible correlation of something being forgiven and covered. Interestingly, the Bible connects being forgiven and covered with financial expressions. For example, the Bible uses forgiveness as a financial term in Matthew 6:12. The term forgiveness suggests a removal of responsibility, while the term covered suggests that the debt was settled by another.
In the midst of suffering, Christians can fail to rejoice in future blessings resulting from obedience. Additionally, the trials of life can cause one to lose focus on the unseen future blessings.  One such case involves rightfully leaving vengeance to the Lord (Romans 12:19). God's blessings are frequently not seen or realized until much later. The meek who leave vengeance to the Lord have God's promise that "The LORD lifteth up the meek" (Psalm 147:6). Nevertheless, a believer living a meek life may become disheartened by those who take advantage of kindheartedness. In fact, a meek and compassionate believer may appear weak in the eyes of the world necessitating the Lord's deliverance (Psalm 76:9; Psalm 149:4). In the end, the Lord will deliver (Psalm 76:9), lift up (Psalm 147:6), beautify (Psalm 149:4), and bless (Matthew 5:5) the meek. It is important to remember that the future blessings following life's temporary trials are worth forgoing the immediate pleasures that might come from taking matters into our own hands.
Many people view meekness as an inherent weakness, yet the Bible corrects this faulty notion. The ability to demonstrate meekness in a time of ridicule or persecution displays strength. Today's passage reveals that a man slow to anger is “better than the mighty.” In fact, a man that “ruleth his spirit” is better than a military conqueror who “taketh a city.” Rather than a weakness, the ability to demonstrate meekness is a sign of great strength. The Bible declares that the Lord Jesus Christ was meek (Matthew 11:29); yet He simultaneously held the world together “by the word of His power” (Hebrews 1:3). We see that God referred to Moses as meek, yet he had the power through the Lord to part the Red Sea (Exodus 14:21) and to open the earth and swallow his enemies (Numbers 16:28-34). Weak individuals respond in anger when attacked; those who are strong exercise meekness.
The Bible repeatedly referred to Christ's meekness during His interaction with others. Meekness implies a gentle response toward those who attack. Jesus Christ demonstrated meekness to its perfection on the cross of Calvary when He said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Peter emphasized this point when he said of Christ, “Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously” (1 Peter 2:23). Isaiah prophesied of Christ, “He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth” (Isaiah 53:7). The Bible says that Jesus was mocked, spit on, and struck by His accusers, yet He displayed incomprehensible meekness.
What is true scriptural meekness? Is meekness simply humility or does it encompass something more pervasive? Though there is some overlap in meaning, meekness goes far beyond humility. According to scripture, meekness has to do with the way men respond to one another. Today's passage reveals that meekness is best expressed by avoiding both speaking evil of others and brawling. Meekness involves responding to others with a gentle spirit. Two prominent figures, Moses (Numbers 12:3) and the Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:29), exemplified meekness in their lives. Both men were known for their meekness. God not only desires humility in the life of the believer, but also wants His people to be known for their meekness.
The Lord is gracious and merciful and ready to forgive, but how ready to forgive should Christians be? Simon Peter pondered this question as He asked the Lord about it. The Bible records the Lord's response to Peter for all future generations to consider. Peter wanted specifics; what are to be the limitations of one's forgiveness? Like many of us, He wanted boundaries and limitations. He specifically wanted to know how many times he needed to forgive those who had wronged him. The Lord answered Peter's inquiry by saying that he shouldn’t just forgive seven times (the amount Peter asked about), but seventy times seven. Some of those reading the Lord's response have concluded incorrectly that the Lord was simply placing a much higher limitation upon one's willingness to forgive others. Yet, the Lord intended to convey something without limitation. Men ought to forgive those who have wronged them every time an offender comes in true repentance (meaning he is sorry for what he has done) (Luke 17:3-4).
The study of why men ought to forgive others may seem obvious, but it is actually quite complex without some thorough Bible study. On several occasions, the Lord told His disciples that they needed to forgive in order to be forgiven (Matthew 6:14-15; Matthew 18:34-35; Mark 11:25-26; Luke 6:37). As a result of these statements, many Christians live in fear that they will not receive God’s forgiveness unless and until they have forgiven all those who have wronged them. Two things need to be understood contextually: (1) these commandments from the Gospels were given prior to Christ's sacrificial death upon the cross and (2) He was speaking specifically to His Jewish people. Diligent Bible study always involves asking to whom God is speaking in any particular text. Epistles written specifically to and for the church following Christ's sacrifice reveal that those who are saved are already forgiven on the basis of Christ's payment on the cross. Today, men do not forgive to be forgiven; they should forgive others because they have already been forgiven (Colossians 3:13).