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All men, at some point in their lives, are confronted with the truth. At such time, men must choose to accept or reject that truth.
The God of the Bible is a God of truth. On the other hand, the Devil is the great enemy of truth. The Bible says of him, “there is no truth in him.”
Respect is not inherited but must be earned. Paul wrote to young Timothy admonishing him to “let no man despise” his youth. In other words, Timothy was responsible for how others handled his youthfulness. Paul’s advice for Timothy was for him to be an example to other believers in every facet of life. If he did that, no man would despise his youth. They would begin to see Timothy as a man and would have no problem following his leadership. His youth would not be a hindrance. In the beginning, David was disdained because of his youth (1 Samuel 17:33, 42), but when he defeated Goliath and gave Israel the victory, he was given the respect of a war hero. David did not show up demanding or even expecting others to respect him; he earned it through his actions.
Separation is scriptural under a variety of different scenarios. Most commonly, believers understand that they are to separate from unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). This does not imply that believers should not witness to the lost but that there should be no “fellowship” between the two. The Bible also indicates that there are times in which one believer should separate from another believer. Most often, this happens because of the propagation of false doctrine (Romans 16:17-18; 2 Thessalonians 3:6) or immoral practices (1 Corinthians 5:11). However, there may also be instances when believers separate for the purpose of furthering the work of God (Galatians 2:6-9).
It has always been the will of God for a man to work in order to support his family. God adamantly and emphatically says, “if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel” (1 Timothy 5:8). Though this truth may seem harsh to some people, God’s expectations and guidelines always serve a greater purpose. Therefore, it is never God’s will to financially assist someone who will not work though completely capable and available. There may be times when people cannot legitimately work and have a need for help; but we disobey the Lord when we help those who have needs resulting from laziness. Our last lesson showed that the Bible defines food as a necessity; but if a man will not work, he does not even deserve the necessities of life provided to him through the generosity of others.