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The Lord, in His omniscience, has provided man with everything he needs through salvation and the grace that brings salvation. One might ask, “How does salvation teach sobriety?” A proper understanding of grace and salvation reminds man that he is completely inadequate in and of himself. Apart from the Lord’s intervention, man would be on a slippery slope towards the pits of hell. In his very best state, man’s righteous acts are no better than filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). When a man meditates upon his salvation and the grace of God that gave him salvation, he avoids the snare of pride. He knows full well who he is and what God had to do to make him fit for heaven. He knows he owes the Lord a great debt and determines to be alert in his daily walk.
Man-made religions have always unwisely taught followers to establish their own righteousness. In the garden in Eden, Adam and Eve clothed themselves with fig leaves in an attempt to cover their nakedness caused by sin. Men built the tower of Babel hoping that this device could help them reach into heaven. The Bible describes man’s righteousness as “filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6). Today's passage tells of a people who went about to establish their own righteousness by refusing to submit to God’s righteousness. Man-made religions all err in the same way. They think that some work or act of obedience can somehow establish a level of righteousness that will ultimately and eventually satisfy God. Yet, the Bible points out the repeated futility of failing to submit to the righteousness of God.