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The apostle Paul warned of a time when people would no longer endure sound doctrine. Because of their lusts, they would actively seek after teachers who turned them unto fables. In fact, much of this is accomplished by people using the truth as a source for teaching things contrary to the very truth they supposedly uphold. Far too frequently people have been turned away from the truth in the name of truth. These Bible teachers elevate themselves as the authority while creating fables generally based upon certain verses of scripture. The tragedy may begin subtly, but eventually, many people seek after these teachers rather than scripture. This is why Paul admonished Timothy to “Preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2) to delay the onset of this spiritually desolate period.
For a variety of reasons, people do the things they choose to do. Sometimes their motives are right and godly, and at other times, their motives are simply wrong. The motive should never result from strife or vainglory in the Lord’s service. The Lord Jesus Christ, of course, offers the perfect example of someone whose motives were always pure and holy. People often assumed the worst and said untrue things about Him. He certainly had the right and the wherewithal each and every time to correct their errors. He could have won any and every argument without mercy or grace. Yet, His service was not motivated by selfishness or pride. In fact, the Bible points out that He was equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation (Philippians 2:6-7). He knew He was always right but allowed Himself to be defamed for the greater cause.
Unfortunately, some Christians have become convinced that old age serves as a sufficient excuse for a lack of service to the Lord’s work. Granted, the field of one’s service may change, but there should always remain a willingness to serve. For instance, Moses received his initial call to deliver Israel at forty years old (Acts 7:23) but did not lead God’s people out of Egypt until he was eighty (Exodus 7:7). When he died at 120 years of age, he remarked that “his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated” (Deuteronomy 34:7). At forty years of age, Caleb received a promise from Moses concerning the possession of land in Canaan (Joshua 14:7-9). Forty-five years later, Caleb took possession by driving out the mighty Anakims (Joshua 14:10-12). Caleb did something in his old age that many of the young men could not or would not attempt (Joshua 17:13).
We know that believers should pray for others, but should we limit our scope of prayers? The apostle Paul admonished the believers of Thessalonica to pray for him but also wanted those who served the Lord by his side included (1 Thessalonians 5:25). He admonished the believers in Ephesus to pray for all saints (Ephesians 6:18). Then, he instructed Timothy, the young preacher, to pray “For kings, and for all that are in authority” (1 Timothy 2:2). In verse one of the same chapter (1 Timothy 2:1), Paul gave Timothy a much broader scope when he said “that  . . . supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks” should “be made for all men.” If believers fail to pray for others, who will take up the slack to pray for those in need?
Throughout the years, faithful saints have been willing to lay down their lives for the truth. In Acts chapter 7, we read the account of Stephen’s final message to the nation of Israel. His message infuriated the people so much that they ran upon him and threw stones at him until they crushed the life out of his body. Stephen was martyred because he cared more for the truth's propagation than even his own life and welfare. Though most Christians are not living amongst such severe persecution, our willingness to contend should remain just as fervent. We should pray that God would give us some modern believers who, like Paul, would say, “that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death” (Philippians 1:20)!
At the age of forty, Moses fled Egypt in fear for his life (Exodus 2:11-15; Acts 7:20-29). It is not hard to imagine the degree of fear sensed by Moses as he ran from the most powerful man who ruled the most powerful nation on earth during his day. Today's verse reveals that Moses yet again departed from Egypt, forty years later this time, not fearing the wrath of the king. What made the difference? How did Moses keep from losing his mind during such a difficult time of trial? How did he endure the troubles associated with leaving Egypt? He endured because he saw “him who is invisible.” He saw God! He did not see the Lord simply with his physical eyes, but rather through the eye of faith. Moses endured for one reason, the Lord was with him and he knew it. Endurance becomes possible as the believer learns to acknowledge the presence of the Almighty in his or her life.