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The connection of fear and service cannot be missed. Worldly fear brings bondage and hinders Christian service; yet godly fear encourages the believer to serve the Lord in righteousness. In our passage, fear is yoked together with truthful and sincere service. Three different verses in 1 Samuel chapter 12 make the same connection (1 Samuel 12:14, 20, 24). In Psalm 2:11, we are admonished to “serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” According to Hebrews 12:28, we should “serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” The fear of the Lord points forward to a time of judgment and reward. A man who refuses to fear God will never serve God with a sincere heart and pure motives.
Learning to fear the Lord yields great results in our daily walk with Him. Some facets of man’s relationship with the Lord change over time and through the seasons. Yet, one thing that has remained constant from the very beginning concerns God’s call upon His people to fear Him. How vital is the fear of God? The Bible refers to it as “the whole duty of man.” Some Bible teachers have tried to lessen the severity of this truth by saying that this fear merely refers to reverencing God, yet Hebrews 12:28 presents the fear of God and reverence as two separate and distinct actions. God’s people are to fear the Lord as the Creator of all things and the One who will one day bring all things into judgment. As saints of God, we will never please the Lord until we first learn to fear Him (Deuteronomy 4:10).
Some people attribute a lack of joy to unfavourable circumstances. They believe joy is attainable only when their circumstances enable them to experience joy. The Bible offers a completely different perspective. Paul testified, “I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation.” Paul experienced tribulation and yet was exceeding joyful! He also wrote of the churches of Macedonia abounding in joy though they were “in a great trial of affliction” (2 Corinthians 8:2). Furthermore, Paul wrote of the saints of God in Thessalonica that they received the word of God with joy even though they were “in much affliction” (1 Thessalonians 1:6). Lastly, believers should “count it all joy” when falling into divers temptations (James 1:2). We should understand that our joy as Christians is not dependent upon favourable circumstances.