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The believer’s every endeavour should be done for the Lord and not simply for men. All should be done to the glory of God even to the extent of what man eats and drinks (1 Corinthians 10:31). Before the believer considers changing appearance for the sake of beauty, he or she should ask whether or not this thing will bring glory to God. Before a believer marks his flesh with a tattoo, he should consider the words of His God (Leviticus 19:28). Before spending a great deal of money on one’s appearance, he should ask if God would rather the money be given elsewhere. Every aspect of man’s life is about pleasing the One who created him with and for a specific purpose (Revelation 4:11).
It has always been easier for man to see the problems in the lives of others. In fact, the problems we most easily identify in others are often the sins with which we personally struggle. Oftentimes, believers see these problems and immediately rush to rebuke or admonish those in error without considering their own lives first. According to Galatians 6:1, those overtaken in a fault should not be admonished until the restorer has first considered himself. The Bible says, “lest thou also be tempted.” 1 Corinthians 10:12 contains a similar principle and admonition: “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” Believers should not be easily deceived by their own conditions and must be willing to call their own standing into question first. Remember that those who have fallen should serve as a warning to every believer.
God created Lucifer as a perfect, holy being. Unfortunately, when Lucifer willfully chose to rebel against his Creator, his actions eventually severed the relationship for all of God’s creation. As a result of Lucifer’s rebellion, he became God’s archenemy as well as the enemy of all of God’s saints too. This is why Satan uses every tool in his spiritual arsenal to lure the believer into sin and rebellion. It is important to understand how a simple temptation leads to some dire consequences. A man’s lust draws him away from God and tempts him to fulfil his lustful desires. When lust is fully conceived, it brings forth sin. Repeatedly sinning hardens the heart and lessens the believer’s resolve. God always makes a way of escape according to 1 Corinthians 10:13. The child of God need only look for that way out because it will always be there. Like the Lord Jesus in Matthew chapter 4,the believer ought to respond to temptation with the word of God. If the Christian submits to God and resists the Devil, the Devil will flee rather than face defeat (James 4:7).