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Every believer will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ to give an account for his stewardship while living upon this earth. Perhaps no one understood this quite like the apostle Paul. He was the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11:13) and had a special calling as a steward “of the mysteries of God” (1 Corinthians 4:1). He spoke often about the fact that the gospel had been put in his trust (1 Thessalonians 2:4; 1 Timothy 1:11; Titus 1:3). The apostle Paul feared what would happen if he failed to fulfil his stewardship (1 Corinthians 9:16-17) because he knew a time of accounting faced all believers including himself. Though Paul’s calling was special, the fact that he would give an account was not unique to him only.
It has always been easier for man to see the problems in the lives of others. In fact, the problems we most easily identify in others are often the sins with which we personally struggle. Oftentimes, believers see these problems and immediately rush to rebuke or admonish those in error without considering their own lives first. According to Galatians 6:1, those overtaken in a fault should not be admonished until the restorer has first considered himself. The Bible says, “lest thou also be tempted.” 1 Corinthians 10:12 contains a similar principle and admonition: “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” Believers should not be easily deceived by their own conditions and must be willing to call their own standing into question first. Remember that those who have fallen should serve as a warning to every believer.