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All the heartaches and troubles of this life will instantly cease when the born-again believer awakes with the likeness of the righteous Son of God.
A man’s body is the house or dwelling place for his soul and his spirit. Since this dwelling is merely temporary, the scripture likens it to a tabernacle.
Death is the departure of the soul and spirit from the body, but where does each part of man end up after a man dies? The Bible answers this question and more.
Trials, afflictions, and heartaches may presently abound, but those who know the Lord rejoice, knowing that those things only exist for a season.
Few people grasp the purposes or the benefits of suffering affliction. Instead, most individuals place a great premium upon trying to avoid troubles of any kind.
Historically, the word jealous is connected to the word zeal rather than to envy. Unfortunately, the world has perverted man’s understanding of jealousy by likening it to a detestable sin. The Bible student recognizes that jealousy cannot always be sinful because God says that He is a jealous God (Nahum 1:2) and God does not sin. A scriptural study proves that jealousy can be righteous, or it can be wicked depending upon the intent of the one in whom this jealousy originates. In a very basic sense, jealousy is the unwillingness to share or allow anything to rival the object of one’s desire. Since man has sinful desires, jealously is often viewed as sinful and can lead to other sinful practices. In the Lord’s case, His righteous desire to be man’s only true and living God drives Him to just judgment and godly jealousy.

The Lord Jesus had been brutally killed on the cross; however, many of His disciples remained unaware of His subsequent resurrection. Luke chapter 24 picks up the narrative as two of His followers walked along talking about the events of His crucifixion. Though not immediately recognized, the Lord showed up in the midst of their communications. The Lord asked them, “What manner of communications are these that ye have one to another, as ye walk, and are sad?” When they told Him of the content of their communications, the Lord rebuked them for their lack of faith in the prophecies of old (Luke 24:25). The two disciples on the road to Emmaus did not expect the Lord Jesus to show up in the midst of their communication, but He did! Would your communication be any different if you believed Christ could “show up” in the midst of your discussion?