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Rebellion thrives upon the self-will of any individual or group of individuals. It parallels stubbornness, hard-heartedness, and a stiff neck. The first use of rebellion in the Bible indicates that it is a refusal to submit to the will or authority of another (Genesis 14:4; see also 2 Kings 18:7). Sometimes, rebellion may be the refusal to go at the command of another (Deuteronomy 1:26), while at other times, it is the refusal to stay (Deuteronomy 1:43). The point is that rebellion is a refusal on the part of a person or group to submit and yield to the rule of another. It involves a conscious decision to cease from following, and though there may be times when resistance needs to be made against the world, “God forbid that we should rebel against the LORD” (Joshua 22:29).
Since God is “a God of truth” (Deuteronomy 32:4), it makes sense that the words proceeding forth from His mouth would reflect and demonstrate the same nature as their author. According to the scriptures, this is exactly what has happened. The psalmist said, “thy law is the truth” (Psalm 119:142) “and all thy commandments are truth” (Psalm 119:151). The Lord Jesus confirmed this when He said, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17). If God is worthy of praise for being a God of truth, it only makes sense that His truth would also be worthy of man’s praise (Psalm 71:22). God, knowing this truth, magnified His word above all His name (Psalm 138:2).
The strength of any people will be determined by how they deal with two people groups: their young and their old. If at any point, either of these two groups becomes viewed as simply burdensome, both will cease to effectively attain God’s intended desire for society. The aged members of society are most often its wisest. They have had successes and failures and learned from both (Deuteronomy 32:7). They have witnessed the Lord’s provision through difficult times (Psalm 37:25). God purposed for the aged to instruct the young in practical and spiritual matters (Titus 2:1-11). While the young should feed off of the wisdom of the aged, the elderly members of society can be nourished by the joy, strength, and life of younger people (Ruth 4:15).
The believer’s life is loaded with benefits (Psalm 68:19), but one of the greatest of these benefits concerns the area of vengeance. According to scripture, vengeance is reserved for the Lord’s enemies (Deuteronomy 32:41; Judges 11:36), or adversaries (Deuteronomy 32:43; Jeremiah 46:10; Nahum 1:2), or the heathen (Psalm 149:7; Micah 5:15) but specifically upon “them that know not God” (2 Thessalonians 1:8). God does not deal with His people in vengeance, it is reserved for those who reject the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:8). When the children of God are disobedient, the Lord chastens, but He never takes vengeance upon His own.
Sometimes the most difficult and significant tasks involve the simplest truths. For instance, every Christian should quickly learn that vengeance belongs unto the Lord. God confirms as much throughout scripture (Deuteronomy 32:35; Psalm 94:1; Romans 12:19; Hebrews 10:30). This should be understandable as only the Lord has all the necessary information to execute just vengeance 100 percent of the time. When man attempts to execute vengeance, he often does so out of an improper motive or without key information of the evil that appears to have been done. Furthermore, when a believer takes vengeance into his own hands, he robs the Lord of His right and responsibility to exact vengeance at the right time and in the right manner.
A simplistic view of  vengeance involves the retribution of an evil deed. The first (Genesis 4:15) and last (Jude 7) mention of the word vengeance substantiates this definition. The Bible uses words like recompence (Deuteronomy 32:35), reward (Deuteronomy 32:41), punishments (Psalm 149:7), avenge (Jeremiah 46:10), revenge (Ezekiel 25:15), and repay (Romans 12:19) as descriptive words for vengeance. With this in mind, it is clear that vengeance is the just punishment as a consequence upon those who violate the laws of God. It is not the dispensing of wrath without cause but is specific punishment exacted for specific crimes committed.
The Lord redeemed Israel out of Egypt for the purpose of worshipping Him. Instead of willingly serving Him, the nation of Israel turned to vanities. In doing so, they ignited the fire of God’s anger (Deuteronomy 32:21-22). Ultimately, God chose to provoke Israel to jealousy with a people “which are not a people” – the Gentiles. Since Israel had provoked the Lord to anger with their vanities, He was going to use Gentiles, whom Israel knew to be “not a people,” to provoke Israel to anger. The Lord expects the redeemed to flee vanity and give themselves wholly to His work, worship, and will. The Lord has now redeemed Jew and Gentile “for his name” (Acts 15:14), and He expects the same from each of us.
Reading commentaries offers varying opinions concerning the definition of purity. However, the Bible offers some exacting details which give the right definition. Today's passage speaks of the “pure blood of the grape.” In other words, nothing was added to the juice—it was pure. There are several other substances in scripture identified as pure: gold (Exodus 25:39), olive oil (Exodus 27:20), myrrh (Exodus 30:23), incense (Exodus 37:29), and language (Zephaniah 3:9). Each instance emphasizes that nothing exists to corrupt the nature of the original. These substances are not combined with other materials to dilute or defile them. In essence, purity demands the absence of any substance that corrupts, defiles, or taints in any way.