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All the heartaches and troubles of this life will instantly cease when the born-again believer awakes with the likeness of the righteous Son of God.
A man’s body is the house or dwelling place for his soul and his spirit. Since this dwelling is merely temporary, the scripture likens it to a tabernacle.
Death is the departure of the soul and spirit from the body, but where does each part of man end up after a man dies? The Bible answers this question and more.
Trials, afflictions, and heartaches may presently abound, but those who know the Lord rejoice, knowing that those things only exist for a season.
Few people grasp the purposes or the benefits of suffering affliction. Instead, most individuals place a great premium upon trying to avoid troubles of any kind.
A leader who has no followers is no leader. The disciples were given some explicit instructions from the Lord. Like each of us, they had a responsibility to do God’s work, yet Simon Peter chose instead to go fishing. His decision influenced others to move in the same direction away from the will of God. The disciples blindly followed his lead. The Lord had admonished Peter to strengthen his brethren (Luke 22:32), but under Peter’s leadership, the disciples became weak through disobedience. Perhaps Peter never desired to be a leader. He may have been satisfied to simply follow others, but God knew what was best for Peter and the other apostles. When Peter made the wrong decisions, he had others that he negatively affected. Every leader must consider that the direction he chooses will lead others in his footsteps.
People, especially the young or those new in the Lord, have many misconceptions. Leadership serves as a prime example because of a failure to grasp how it truly works. Many people dream of a future time when they will no longer have to submit to any authority. However, everyone has a leader to which he must submit and follow. God designed the home to have a specified order of authority: the children submit to the parents (Ephesians 6:1); the wife submits to her husband (Colossians 3:18); and the husband submits to the Lord (1 Corinthians 11:3). In the country, the citizens are to submit to the government (1 Peter 2:13-14) as the government submits to the Lord (1 Peter 3:22). Everyone is under some authority. Saved people are commanded to follow their Lord (John 8:42); whereas lost people follow their father, the Devil (John 8:44). Everyone answers to someone whether or not they acknowledge that submission.