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With each passing year, witchcraft has grown more acceptable in the eyes of man, yet God has not wavered concerning His thoughts on these matters.
God is particularly interested in what is going on within the heart of man. Specifically, He seeks for, and desires to find, TRUTH.
It is imperative that men speak the truth, for “he that speaketh the truth sheweth forth righteousness,” and his lip “shall be established for ever.”
Most men would rather accept lies than to believe the truth. This bias against the truth has been present as far back as the garden of Eden.
The Bible does not always paint man in a positive light, yet it always paints him accurately. According to scripture, there is no man that sinneth not.
No man is to be respected above another person in a form of unrighteous judgment. However, does not infer nondiscrimination in every matter.
It has been said that an individual is not truly ready to live for the Lord until he is willing and ready to die for Him. As a believer, one should not fear death.
The people of God are to be a people full of the love of God, and as such, they should place the utmost value upon the lives of the innocent.