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God looks for opportunities to show Himself strong in the lives of His saints. This is true both historically and in the lives of His people living today.
Solomon's mother advised him not to give his strength unto women. He ignored this advice and his wives turned away his heart after other gods.
God works in mysterious ways! At times, in order to bring about His desired plan in the lives of His own people, the Lord strengthens the hands of His enemies.
Man is not promised an endless supply of strength for him to store up. Rather, God promises to provide the necessary grace and strength for the present trials.
Each believer will, at some point, be confronted with the conflicting choice to obey God rather than to obey men’s anti-scriptural precepts.
Any country led by men who understand the biblical role of government would enjoy a supernatural blessing experienced only by those following the will of God.
The United States of America's government system of three branches (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial) was derived from Isaiah 33:22.
God provided Israel with qualities they should desire in a king. In short, when the king ceased to be right with God, he ceased to be right for the people.
In every country, believers should be the most faithful and conscientious citizens. Believers are to do this, not for personal gain, but for the Lord’s sake.
No doubt, some nations have seen more of the Lord’s mighty works than others. Those nations are accountable for all that they have known and experienced.