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When the Ephesians believed on Christ, they examined the moral nature of each aspect of their lives. This led them to burn their curious arts books.
God is particularly interested in what is going on within the heart of man. Specifically, He seeks for, and desires to find, TRUTH.
It is imperative that men speak the truth, for “he that speaketh the truth sheweth forth righteousness,” and his lip “shall be established for ever.”
It is a misconception that truth and love conflict and thus one always overshadows the other. Truly, God calls us to live by and demonstrate both.
The world suggests that the truth puts men in bondage, but a man enlightened by the truth knows nothing could be further from the truth.
Most men would rather accept lies than to believe the truth. This bias against the truth has been present as far back as the garden of Eden.
All men, at some point in their lives, are confronted with the truth. At such time, men must choose to accept or reject that truth.
Man has ignored, rejected, and despised the truth on every front. Yet, God, in His faithfulness, continues to show His truth to every generation.
God is "a God of truth" and the words that proceed forth from Him reflect His nature. As such, the words of God are just as true as the God of the words.
What if God was true, but on a limited basis? This would be a cause for great concern; however, this is quelled by the fact that He is both true and faithful.