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The Bible likens a mature Christian to one who exercises. Exercise involves work for it to be most profitable. Many people start exercising with exuberance and zeal, yet quit when the workout begins to get difficult. This too unfortunately applies to those who start out wanting to live a godly life. Too many Christians quit simply because spiritual growth takes a lot of hard work and effort. Today’s passage contrasts the difference between a babe in Christ and a believer enjoying the meat of God’s word. The babe enjoys the milk of God’s word (the basic truths) but the milk limits the extent of his growth; whereas, the mature Christian wants to grow stronger through learning the truths that babes cannot yet handle. The strong Christian exercises his senses enabling him to discern between good and evil. He works hard. He does not quit though times get tough. He keeps reading his Bible. He keeps praying. He keeps obeying the Lord. When he stumbles, he simply picks himself back up, brushes himself off, and keeps moving forward, onward, and upward. So get up and go!
There has never been, nor ever will be, a book like the Bible. Unfortunately, some people who desire to learn its contents simply take the wrong approach. It cannot be studied like a textbook or read like a magazine or novel. It must be approached prayerfully with the help of God’s Spirit with total dependence upon Him for illumination. According to today’s passage, an unsaved man cannot fully understand the word of God because he lacks the spiritual discernment necessary to grasp its full truths. No one can approach the Bible with a fleshly mindset; it must always be approached with faith, believing that it is truly God’s word. Only then can the student with the Spirit’s help rightly discern the things intended to be understood. An improper approach has led many people to believe the Bible, like all other books, contains contradictions and errors. God graciously affords man the necessary spiritual discernment increasing a man’s faith leading him to take God at His word. When man rejects discernment, he increases his darkness.
This passage from First Kings offers the reader keen insights into one of the most enlightening prayer requests found in the Bible. King Solomon’s prayer was in response to God’s offer in advance to supernaturally answer his requests. Solomon knew that he would be completely dependent upon God’s help to be the right type of king. His humility greatly pleased the Lord and God lovingly answered his request and more. Solomon’s prayer demonstrated his recognition concerning the importance of discernment as he asked for an understanding heart to discern matters of judgment. Without this understanding concerning proper discernment, Solomon would fall short as king. Where could the king find such help? Psalm 119:104 says that understanding comes through God’s precepts (His teachings found in scripture). Psalm 119:130 teaches that the entrance of God’s word into the heart provides understanding to even those who are “simple.” Proverbs 2:6 further reveals that knowledge and understanding come from God’s mouth.
The garden in Eden was a trouble-free environment for its inhabitants, a literal earthly paradise. Adam and Eve were given one basic commandment to obey. They were told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Interestingly, up until this point, they only knew good. The Devil knew this and deviously crept into the garden. He wanted to tempt Eve with the fruit from this forbidden tree. He convinced her that that tree would enable her to know both good and evil. Eve already had the ability to discern, though severely limited based on the limited number of choices available. She certainly could have refused the temptation choosing rather to obey the Lord. God had given Adam and Eve everything needed to be successful in the garden including the ability to do right. Eve’s desire to know good and evil prompted her to overlook the fact that she already had been given the gift of discernment.
Far too many Christians fail to ever achieve an extensive working knowledge of biblical terminology. Biblical discernment is a case in point. Fortunately, God provides a simple solution for those willing to put forth the effort. Because the Bible generally defines its own vocabulary, searching the word of God remains the most useful means of ascertaining accurate definitions for Bible words. Ezekiel 44:23 begins by stating that the Levites were to teach the people of God the difference between what is holy and what is profane. The second phrase in the verse indicates that teaching people the difference between the holy and profane enables them to “discern between the unclean and the clean.” Once the people are taught the difference between holy and profane, they can then cultivate their ability to discern. People who learn to discern make choices between good and evil and right and wrong. It is important to note that the knowledge of right and wrong is never the end all; the believer also must become proficient in the ability to discern.