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A yoke was an instrument used to help two animals work together when plowing. The Lord Jesus said that believers should take His yoke upon them (Matthew 11:29). In other words, the Lord was saying that we should serve with Him in our service to Him. In 1 Corinthians 3:9, we learn that “we are labourers together with God.” Fellowshipping with the Lord means walking with Him (1 John 1:6-7), and walking with Him means being in agreement with Him (Amos 3:3). Just as God desired to fellowship with Adam (Genesis 3:8) and Enoch (Genesis 5:22), He desires to have fellowship with us today. It is very important that we have fellowship with other like-minded believers, but even more important that we fellowship with the Lord.
The importance of fellowship cannot be underestimated, but neither can the importance of refusing to fellowship. It is important to fellowship with the right people, but also equally important that we “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.” The people of God have no business yoking together with the world in any work of God no matter how beneficial the help might seem. Fellowship suggests an agreement amongst the involved parties. Yet, 2 Corinthians 6:14 drives home the point when it says, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” When we fellowship with carnal believers or the unsaved, we accept their motives and objectives as our own.
Most churchgoers are familiar with what it means to extend the “the right hand of fellowship”; however, the actual biblical meaning is not so well known. Our passage shows James, Cephas (Peter), and John offering the “the right hands of fellowship” to Paul and Barnabas. What was the significance of this act? By giving the right hands of fellowship, these believers were agreeing to serve God together. James, Cephas, and John would focus on reaching the Jewish people (the circumcision), while Paul and Barnabas would focus on reaching the Gentiles (the uncircumcision). When we offer someone the right hand of fellowship, we are agreeing to serve God with that believer.
It is much easier to serve God together with others rather than alone. There is great wisdom attained through the right kind of fellowship with other like-minded believers. When one believer wavers during times of temptation, his “fellow” believers will encourage him to stay faithful to the Lord’s work. When one of the saints struggles in times of uncertainty, his fellow believers can remind him of God’s faithfulness. The Bible shows us that the early church thrived in the Lord’s work. Those early Christians served the Lord with a great zeal. The secret to their success most definitely included their continuation in fellowship and incorporating some basic principles. For instance, the Lord Jesus sent out His disciples by twos (Mark 6:7) and the early church followed suit (Acts 13:2). God has given us a great insight into the importance of fellowship by emphasizing it so frequently.
The modern description of fellowship has been weakened extensively from its original intent. Earlier usage of fellowship always inferred a partnership. The word fellow was used to signify a coworker in Exodus 2:13 and each of the various combinations designated something that people did together (i.e., fellowservants, fellowhelpers, fellowlabours, etc.). Therefore, it is important to realize that fellowship is not merely two people or a group of people coming together in the name of fun. Fellowship involves two or more people uniting together to accomplish a task. Fellowship always suggests a foundational unity of purpose and motive (Amos 3:3). This is why, as we will learn, it is so important that we have the proper biblical fellowship with like-minded believers.
Far too much of the Christian's focus has little to no impact beyond the here and now. When Christians leave this world to meet the Lord, there are some things that will carry through to eternity (1 Timothy 6:19). One involves the thanksgiving we present to our Creator. In fact, death will heighten our desire and ability to offer thanks to God. Departed believers, along with angels and other spirit beings are already giving thanks to God in heaven. Our thanksgiving like theirs already will become more frequent and increasingly pure when we finally see our Saviour face-to-face. One day, we too will join that throng to thank the One who gave His everything for us. Why wait to face any regret of not having obeyed the Lord while on earth? Give God thanks now!
Far too many believers live with a skewed perspective concerning God's expectations. They desperately desire to do some “great thing” for the Lord. They ponder on thoughts of what would cause God to take notice of them and gain His favour. Would selling everything and going to the mission field help? Do they need to quit their job and go into full-time Christian service? Do they need to travel in order to spread the gospel far and wide? No doubt this serves as the Lord’s will for some, but one's intent needs to be God-focused and not self-centered. Regardless of one's calling, God has given Christians a great way to give Him a well-pleasing sacrifice. Today's passage mentions the fruit of our lips as a means of giving thanks to God and calls it a sacrifice of praise. Maybe the Lord does have “great things” in store for your life, but offering Him a sacrifice of praise serves as the best place to begin.
The Bible describes the last days of the church age as perilous times overwhelmed by excess of sin. However, dedicated Christians living within God’s will desire righteousness to reign. No matter, sins such as pride, blasphemy, despising the good, and loving pleasures more than God prevail during the last days. Believers are admonished not to get caught up in them and forewarned to turn away from these activities. These areas are all recognized as problems increasingly prevalent in today's societies, but sometimes “we miss the forest for the trees.” We recognize these obvious sins as severe and sore displeasing to the Lord; but in their midst, the Lord also mentions unthankfulness. This is another of the identifying marks of the end times. People have grown increasingly unthankful. Unfortunately, these earmarks are not limited to the world but have also infiltrated the church.
Preachers oftentimes wish for simpler days when people seemed more attuned to the things of God. Unfortunately, many believers have lost sight of how much we need God for our daily provisions. Far too many people today believe that their jobs provide their needs or that their efforts at their jobs have provided for their needs. Yet, the truth remains, God is the great provider. When people gathered food from their fields, they had a better understanding of how dependent they were upon God's hand of blessing. They thanked Him for providing the rain and the sunshine to make their crops to grow. They saw God's hand directly involved in the feeding of their families. We too ought to take time to give God thanks for the basic necessities and never neglect them simply because we have an easier life. Today's passage speaks specifically of food, but we ought to thank God for clothing and shelter as well.
Men should willingly give thanks “for all things” (Ephesians 5:20), but today's passage teaches a somewhat different truth: men should give thanks “in every thing.” The subtle differences between these two truths turn out to be quite profound. They express two different facets of the Christian's call to give thanks: give thanks to God for all things, but our thanks should take place in the midst of all things, good and bad. This means that we should not simply give God thanks once a certain trial of life has ended, but the thankfulness should take place while these trials are ongoing. Very few believers seem to recognize the importance of giving thanks for trials, but even fewer seem willing to give that thanks during the heat of the trial. Why is this so important? God says that the giving of this thanks, even in the midst of trials, is God’s will for our lives.