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Modern society is increasingly mocking purity, yet God is pleased with those who endeavour to keep themselves pure before marriage. Increasing temptations combined with the declining standards concerning courting have made purity a rarity rather than the norm. Regardless of this trend, young people with a deep and abiding love for the Lord will continually strive to overcome these obstacles and remain pure. Those who have failed in the past will renew their commitment to the Lord seeking to prevent further regrets. This must be accomplished with a firm resolve. A young person must determine that he or she is going to respect the commandments of God and the other individual with whom he or she is courting. Beyond this, each young person must determine to build fences of protection to keep from entering into tempting situations. The Devil does not need much room to rob a youth of his or her purity (Ephesians 4:27).
Like other callings upon a person’s life, God prepares men and women for marriage. Obviously, God prepares the heart, but He also prepares other areas in order to provide for a strong home. When God created Adam, He could have immediately created Eve, but He chose to allow Adam to experience the sense of being alone. Perhaps there are other reasons, but God may have thought it wise to prepare Adam for marriage. He needed to experience life without Eve. Adam needed to come to the place where he desired companionship. He needed to be alone before he could truly appreciate a wife. In addition to the preparation of Adam’s heart, the Lord gave him a job, a means by which he could provide for Eve (Genesis 2:8-9, 15). All of these preparations were necessary for a strong marriage relationship.
The godly choice of whom to marry likely will never again be as obvious as it was for Adam and Eve. Yet, the wrong choice can and will usually bring disastrous outcomes along with lifelong consequences. Wise counsel to avoid pitfalls related to bad choices is vitally important! Samson’s choice was ultimately of the Lord, but not because it was wise. His parents knew that his decision was fleshly and attempted to redirect him. Esau rebelliously sought a wife that would never meet his parents’ approval (Genesis 28:6-9). Throughout the Old Testament, parents were involved in the process of choosing the right spouse for their children. It may not be a direct command from God, but it remains a wise principle to follow. Parents are not always right, but the Lord is pleased to use them in this decision-making process.
God made man with the natural desire for companionship. Similar to all of God’s other creation; the world, the flesh, and the Devil have corrupted the method by which this desire is consummated. God created Adam as a single man. As time elapsed, it became obvious that Adam did not need to be alone but needed a wife. Although the details do vary from situation to situation, the principles of God’s provisions for companionship for Adam provide superior guidelines for someone seeking the same relationship today. Adam found a wife when the Lord brought Eve to him and not the other way around. Adam too did not go searching for a wife, but God brought her to him. Though times have changed, God can and will do the same today for those who faithfully love and serve Him.
Many fine Christians know what it means to live a life filled with suffering or pain. This suffering may come as a result of wrongdoing or in spite of righteous living. No matter the circumstance, one fact remains constant: suffering, whether merited or not, is never pleasant. The Bible instructs Christians regardless of the circumstances to greet suffering with the utmost patience. In fact, the Bible emphasizes that patience during times of suffering for well doing is “acceptable with God” (1 Peter 2:20). Enduring suffering may seem difficult and our nature certainly opposes it, but it remains part of God's calling (1 Peter 2:21). The Lord exhibited great patience as He suffered as our example as He that “did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth” (1 Peter 2:22). Instead of retaliating in time of suffering, He “committed himself to him that judgeth righteously” (1 Peter 2:23). Christians should learn from Christ's example and consistently strive to entrust their well-being to the mercy of God.
The Bible likens the life of a believer to many things, one of these being a race. Our life's race is likened more to a marathon or cross-country run rather than a short-lived sprint. In these types of endurance races, the strategic runner outlasts the impatient contender. A sprint initiated at the starting line may place the runner at the head of the pack but always yields a disappointing outcome. The same holds true concerning the Christian race. Believers are to run this race patiently. The Christian must never allow present trials and difficult circumstances to disqualify him from his perspective race. In fact, the long-term goal of winning the race must be ever present in every thought and action. The Christian race is not only about how much we can accomplish in the present, but what the Lord has accomplished before our crossing of the finish line.
Likely, no mere mortal endured more difficulty over a short period of time than did Job. Job suffered several awful trials with most of them coming simultaneously. Perhaps Job should not be remembered so much for the trials, but for how he handled those trials. When Job received the news that his children had perished, he said, “Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD” (Job 1:21). The verse which follows Job’s statement conveys volumes, “In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.” Job’s endurance of such trials led the Lord to point to Job as an outstanding example of patience (James 5:11).
Modern society dictates that everything needs to be fast and ever increasing in speed. If our food, news, communication, and technology are not delivered at lightning speeds, we will look for solutions to end the delay. We lack the patience for any obstacle impeding our instant gratification. Yet, the Bible declares that men need patience (Hebrews 10:36). Where can patience be found in such a fast paced world? God! He alone understands the reality of time, patience, and longsuffering. Not only does He understand, but He wants us to have patience; so much so, that He will, at times, allow difficulties to enter our lives merely for the purpose of teaching us patience. Fortunately, the God who allows the trials also willingly grants the patience to endure any trial.
In this Psalm, David spoke of a perceived injustice that even today tempts many believers to envy. David recognized the prosperity of the wicked and the corresponding trials of the righteous. Yet, believers are admonished to “Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him.” Why would the righteous be instructed to wait patiently? Because “yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be” (Psalm 37:10). The Lord in His time will work everything out. As believers, we will face trials. There are going to be times of injustice. There are going to be times of loss and mourning. However, we can wait patiently knowing that the Lord will right every wrong and settle every injustice.
Today's text includes the exhortation to be “patient toward all men.” Every sincere Christian realizes and recognizes the graciousness that God displays toward His children. Regardless of the goodness of God toward us, it still remains difficult to consistently demonstrate patience toward others. However, exhibiting patience is especially important for anyone in a leadership position, especially those involved in the work of God. According to God's word, the apostle Paul exemplified patience in his dealings with other believers (2 Corinthians 6:4; 2 Corinthians 12:12). This should come as no surprise since one of the basic requirements for the man of God involves patience (1 Timothy 3:3; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:24). God's people ought to be known for their patience toward others. In the homes, we should be patient with our spouses and children. At work, we should be patient with our coworkers, employers, and employees. In the Lord’s work, we ought to be especially patient with those striving to grow in the Lord.