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A tender heart quickly and readily yields when offered correction; however, as a heart becomes hardened, the times of yielding become fewer and farther apart. During the hardening process, the individual finds the true nature of the heart more difficult to grasp. As the heart further hardens, the individual finds himself involved in further defiance. The mischief may start as seemingly insignificant, but a hardening heart will ultimately lead to greater depths of wickedness, some seemingly unimaginable only a short time ago. Some of the worst sins committed in the Bible by God's people were committed by those who shortly before had displayed a tender heart. Yet, they allowed their hearts to be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
The Bible admonishes believers to be stedfast and unmoveable (1 Corinthians 15:58). We are to be grounded and settled (Colossians 1:23) in the faith—much like a tree planted by the rivers of waters (Psalm 1:3). Yet, today's passage points to the dangers of a hardened heart set in rebellion. It is likened to a stone and a millstone. We should remain stedfast in our commitment to serve the Lord, yet our hearts should remain tender and pliable to Him and His will. A stony heart hinders the seed of God’s word from taking root (Matthew 13:5-6). This hardness hinders the possibility of spiritual fruit from taking root and maturing. A soft heart and a stedfast walk exhibit the godly balance that God desires for each of us.
The Bible seems to point to Pharaoh most often as an example of someone with a heart hardened through sin and the deceitfulness of power and fame. Pharaoh's hardened heart led him from one rebellious act to the next. He constantly fought against the Lord and the Lord’s man. Even after all of the miracles in Egypt and the abundance of judgments, he chose to pursue the children of Israel as they departed from Egypt. Pharaoh's hardened heart led him to pursue them to the Red Sea. Out of all the troublesome effects of a hard heart, the most troubling aspect is that it refuses to hearken to the words of the Lord. On at least five occasions, the Lord makes this connection (Exodus 7:13, 22; Exodus 8:15, 19; Exodus 9:12). A hard heart closes the ears to the truth and sets the individual up for greater judgment.
Pride shows itself as an unyielding adversary of a tender heart. A prideful heart remains hard and obstinate toward the things of the Lord. According to scripture, such a heart is stubborn and self-willed. However, those who choose to humble themselves actually tenderize their heart so that God can work according to His purpose and will. The humbled heart does not focus on whether the outcome looks good, nor does it focus upon who receives credit for a certain act. Today's passage reveals Josiah accepting the coming judgment, repenting by rending his clothes, and weeping before the Lord. The Lord heard his servant’s plea. Yet, Josiah's tender heart kept him from complaining or arguing with the Lord concerning God's looming judgment.
Sometimes the most effective means of defining a Bible word involves researching those words commonly associated with the word in question. Delicate is such a word. On four occasions, the Bible associates the word delicate with variations of the word tender (Deuteronomy 28:54, 56; Isaiah 47:1). This association provides the Bible student with the sense that a delicate person is easily broken spiritually. Additional Bible study demonstrates that a tender heart remains pliable and prone to brokenness before the Lord. Conversely, the Bible points to a hardened heart as remaining obstinate. The word obstinate conveys an inflexibleness or stubbornness. As believers, we should aspire to be tenderhearted before the Lord with a heart easily moved to accomplish His will.