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The Bible associates several qualities to the truly humble person. The book of James lists a few of these prominent traits as follows. The humble man submits to the will of God (James 4:7). Additionally, he repents of his sins (James 4:8) and mourns over his disobedience (James 4:9). He refuses to speak evil of his brother (James 4:11), but rather chooses to leave judgment to the Lord because He is the righteous Judge (James 4:12). He refuses to boast about what he is doing (James 4:13-16) because he knows that his failure to do right is a sin (James 4:17). Yet, the greatest truth concerning the humble man is not what he does or gives for God, but what God gives to him. The Bible says that God gives grace to the humble and resists the proud (1 Peter 5:5-6). Think about this profound truth. God gives a man what he needs if that man will simply remain humble.
The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that honour follows humility! But how does this work? According to our passage, “whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.”  Abased means to be brought low, while exalted means to be elevated. Matthew 23:12 and Luke 18:14 reiterate the truth found in Luke 14:11, yet none of the verses expound upon how this takes place. What or who is at work behind the scenes to make this principle true? The answer is found in James 4:10—“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.” Man’s finite mind-set leads him to think that the way up is up and the way down is down; but according to the Bible, the opposite is true. The way up (to be exalted) is down (through humility) and the way down (to be abased) is up (self-exaltation). Those who seek to be exalted by others will find themselves frustrated through their own efforts; yet those who seek humility will be exalted by God.
Following the victory of a battle, the victors generally divide the spoil. The soldiers triumphantly go through the enemy camp removing anything they desire. The act of dividing the spoil indicates a time of victory and intense celebration as a result of winning the battle. Yet, the Bible reveals that there is something far better than dividing the spoil with the proud: being “of an humble spirit with the lowly.” This can only pertain to those looking at life from a godly perspective. Man would naturally rather celebrate a victory with the proud than to be humbled through defeat. The context of the passage quite possibly could indicate that the lowly refers to those who have suffered the defeat; therefore, it is better to be humbled by defeat than to be proud in victory.
It seems that far too many men seek to be honoured by others whether deserved or completely unwarranted. However, few men understand the proper biblical path for being rightfully honoured. One would naturally think honour comes to those who are confident and proud, but the Bible reveals the opposite. Proverbs 15:33 and Proverbs 18:12 both declare that humility precedes honour. This means that a person desiring to receive honour must first possess the character trait of true humility. Conversely, the Bible points out that a haughty heart precedes the pathway to destruction (Proverbs 18:12). Moreover, the Bible couples humility with the fear of the Lord and shows that it yields riches, honour, and life (Proverbs 22:4). Desiring these good things is only reasonable, yet they are only derived through God’s prescribed means and not man’s self-styled means.
Careless Bible students often make wrongful assumptions for the purpose of God’s interaction with man. One such example involves the reasoning for Israel’s wilderness wanderings. Several alternative explanations might be supposed, but the Bible emphasizes one primary purpose, that of humility. Moses declared this truth to the people when he said, “thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee . . . to humble thee.” He quickly added that God “humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna.” Deuteronomy 8:16 reemphasizes this truth: “Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee.” The Lord selected Israel’s trials and troublesome path in order to humble them. Truth is frequently that simple but missed by those who read the Bible with preconceived philosophies and concepts.
Humility moves God to action. This common theme runs throughout the Bible; however, our passage reveals some truth otherwise hidden. According to Second Chronicles, the people of God are responsible to humble themselves. While doing so, they must also pray, seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways. God’s use of the word then in the passage reveals that God’s actions result from the actions of His people. Their humility will move the Lord to action. If, or when, they humble themselves, God hears from heaven, forgives their sin, and heals their land. God takes note when people display humility (Isaiah 57:15; Isaiah 66:1-2). Though some things have changed concerning Israel versus the church, God remains constant and is still looking for humility in the lives of His children.
Josiah was a godly king who began his reign at the age of eight years old. Because of his genuine appreciation for the Lord, he would later commission the people to work upon the house of God. It was during this work that the high priest found the book of the law of the Lord. As the scripture was read before Josiah, he rent his clothes recognizing God’s wrath was about to come upon His people. Josiah could have become hardened in heart against the Lord; however, he chose not to allow this to happen. Unlike many of his counterparts, Josiah humbled himself. What made Josiah different? His tender heart made all the difference (2 Kings 22:19). Josiah’s humility was not feigned; it was the natural outpouring of a heart tender toward the things of God.
Though despicable in the eyes of God, humility can be feigned or faked. Colossians 2:18 touches on this principle. The saints were admonished against demonstrating a “voluntary humility” while being “vainly puffed up” by their fleshly minds. Humility and being “puffed up” are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Yet, these believers pretended to be humble, while they were, in reality, puffed up. Colossians 2:23 reveals a second clear proof that humility can be false. Here the Bible speaks of things having “a shew” of “humility.” In other words, people can “shew” humility while being overtaken with pride. False humility can sometimes convince and satisfy others, but rest assured that God clearly knows the difference.
The Lord is high above His creation. He “is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens” (Psalm 113:4). He is so exalted that He must humble “himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth” (Psalm 113:6). As strange as it may seem, it humbles God to behold His creation (i.e., the sun, the moon, and the stars). The Bible even declares that “the stars are not pure in his sight” (Job 25:5). All of these things were created by God, yet it humbles Him to behold them. Not only is this true of the Father, but God the Son humbled Himself when He was adorned with a body of flesh (Philippians 2:8). God created man, yet it humbled Him to take on a body of flesh like man.
Our previous studies have discussed the Bible's built-in dictionary. Interestingly, the discovery of this method of defining words is not new. In fact, men like King James VI (also known as King James I) commented on God's graciousness concerning His word. He pointed out that the definitions of many Bible words could be found by considering surrounding words. John Eadie explains this in his book:  The English Bible, vol. 2, London, Macmillan, 1876, p. 191. Our study in humility is a case in point. The true riches of this word can only be gleaned when one considers some of the words used in close proximity of the word humble (along with its variations). These words include: croucheth (Psalm 10:10), lowly (Proverbs 16:19), boweth down (Isaiah 2:9), bowed down (Isaiah 2:11), brought down (Isaiah 5:15), hewn down (Isaiah 10:33), and abased (Luke 14:11; Luke 18:14). God wants the Bible student to understand the depths and riches of His word and words. In this case, He clearly indicated that humility results from one being brought low.