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Men should praise the Lord, and they ought to praise Him often. They should praise Him in scriptural manners and for scriptural reasons. Yet, no matter how lofty the praise may be that man offers to the Lord, it still falls short of declaring the greatness of God. In Nehemiah 9:5, the Levites admonished the people to “stand up and bless the LORD,” while at the same time expressing that the name of God far surpassed all their praises. Some might suggest that the failures of men’s praise should altogether exclude the praise, but the Levites emphasized that men still ought to offer their praise. Though the praise of men can never reach to the height of God’s worth, God still chose to inhabit the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3).
The Bible repeatedly states that the Lord will receive praise and worship throughout eternity (Psalm 45:17; Psalm 145:2); yet, at the same time, there appears to be a shift in the praise at death (Psalm 30:9). Perhaps a man’s praise for the Lord while on earth is distinctly different from his praise for God in eternity. This would make sense in that man can choose to offer the sacrifice of praise (Psalm 54:6; Hebrews 13:15) from the overflow of his carnal heart now. While in eternity, he will praise the Lord from a soul sealed in righteousness. Therefore, a man ought to praise the Lord morning and evening (1 Chronicles 23:30), all the day long (Psalm 35:28), and continually (Psalm 34:1).
Praise is the natural overflowing of affection that occurs when one individual views some positive quality in another. Men praise God because they find His attributes and actions worthy of worship. They may praise Him for His overall greatness (1 Chronicles 16:25) or for His mercy (2 Chronicles 5:13). They may praise Him because of His great name (Psalm 7:17) or because of His power (Psalm 21:13). They may praise Him because of something He has done for them personally (Psalm 28:7). The foundation may vary, but men praise the Lord because they have reason to do so. In other words, the Lord has given His people ample reason to speak of His worth.
Initially, one might think that praising others or receiving the praise of others might be a wicked act, but the Bible does not reflect this. In Acts chapter 12, Herod was smitten by the Lord when he received praise from the people. The problem was not so much the praise he received, but his failure to, in turn, give glory to God (Acts 12:22-23). Contrary to what most Christians think, the Lord allows for the praise of others. In our passage, the Lord suggests that a virtuous woman will receive praise from her husband. In Proverbs 27:2, the Lord declares that one requirement in this matter is that a man only receive praise from the lips of another. When a man begins to praise himself, he does so in direct rebellion to the words and direction of God.
Most Christians have an incorrect concept of the meaning of the word praise. Perhaps one reason for this is the fact that some believers have labeled many charismatic tendencies as praise in order to justify their behaviour. Historically, the word was understood to have a connection to value or worth. Even today, people understand this connection when considering the word appraisal. In fact, many verses that deal with praise also include some statement of the Lord’s worth. 2 Samuel 22:4 says, “I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised.” One must declare the worth of the object of praise in order to praise someone or something. If an action fails to declare the personal value of a person or thing, it cannot rightly be considered praise.