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Moved with Compassion (Mark 6:34-44)

Introductory Thoughts

One’s actions demonstrate true compassion. Five times the Bible uses the phrase moved with compassion (Matthew 9:36; Matthew 14:14; Matthew 18:27; Mark 1:41; Mark 6:34). Four of the five references refer to Christ’s compassion toward others. True compassion always moves people to do something for others. In Mark 6:34-44, the disciples wanted to send the crowd away hungry, but Christ refused to send them away empty. He would not allow the multitudes to leave His presence still in need. In this one example, Christ's compassion fed thousands when others would have sent them away faint and hungry. The Lord not only fed thousands with two small fishes and five loaves of bread, but also produced a miraculous amount of leftovers.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): Jesus loved the people and did not want them to go away hungry. Amazingly, He fed a hungry crowd of more than 5,000 men with one boys lunch. Dad and mom love you and ensure that you always have food enough to keep you healthy.
  • (For everyone): It is obvious, from the context, that the Lord and His disciples were very tired. Yet, we find the disciples learning an important lesson about serving others. What does this teach us about serving others rather than making excuses?
  • The Lord performed a miracle of compassion using what the disciples already had. What does this teach us about what the Lord wants us to use in serving Him?

Prayer Thoughts

  • How do you feel about your level of compassion for others? Is this something with which you need Gods help?
  • Ask God to open doors of opportunity for you to demonstrate your compassion toward others.
