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What Is Respect? (Lamentations 4:16)

Introductory Thoughts

The word respect is made up of the root word spect and the prefix re. The root word spect means to look (i.e., spectator, spectacle, inspect, circumspect, etc.) and the prefix re means “again.” The idea of the word respect is that an individual looks at two things and chooses to look at one of them a second time demonstrating favouritism. This truth is played out in the scriptures, especially notable in Lamentations 4:16. In this verse, the Lord connects the word respect to words like regard and favoured. This knowledge proves helpful when one seeks to understand other more well-known passages such as Philippians 4:11 and Colossians 2:16. Remember that King James Bible words almost always define themselves in their context.

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): Moses was raised by Pharaohs daughter (Exodus 2:10; Acts 7:21-22). When he was older, he had to look at two ways of life and consider which one would have a more favorable end (Hebrews 11:23-26).
  • (For everyone): What happened when the people refused to respect the persons of the priests and favour the elders? What does this teach us about God and respect?
  • Read Philippians 4:11. When one looks at what he has and what he lacks and chooses to focus on what he wants, he is speaking in respect of want. This is why Paul clarified his intentions.

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask the Lord to give you a scriptural perspective on respect.
  • Ask God to help you understand His respect.
