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To understand the gospel record of Jesus Christ, we must go back before the beginning of time where the Son of God already dwells. This lesson deals with the very important truth that God’s Son did not begin at the time of His birth in a manger. He existed in eternity past and was the Creator of all things.
This lesson is filled with troubles and trials. The people continue to murmur against Moses and Aaron concerning a lack of water and the death of their brethren. It is also in this chapter where we find that Miriam and Aaron die and Moses rebels against the Lord. In the midst of all this, we find a wonderful picture of the Lord Jesus and His grace toward us.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
The timing of this event is a glorious picture of God’s work in the history of mankind. This lesson occurs after a series of sinful events on the part of the people of God. The people are found complaining and lusting (Numbers 11), Miriam and Aaron get caught up in the murmuring (Numbers 12), the spies deliver an evil report (Numbers 13), they fail to enter the land (Numbers 14), and Korah rebels (Numbers 16).
This lesson records the call of Moses to deliver the children of Israel. God often skips many generations of earthly rulers and kingdoms with a verse or a word. However, He takes two entire chapters to tell us of His encounter with Moses at the burning bush. In this lesson, God emphasizes His power as opposed to the ability of man. The bush burns supernaturally. But the power is not in the bush, it is in the God who caused the bush to burn. When God puts His touch on something, any old bush will do. Moses has to learn this lesson about himself. Forty years earlier, he had learned that he could not deliver Israel. Now, he has to learn that God can use him anyway.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
This section of the Bible gives a great lesson on hospitality. But, more than that, it deals with fellowship with God. Abraham received the Lord into his home and the Lord felt enough confidence in Abraham to reveal to him what He was getting ready to do.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
INTRODUCTION: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” is the basis of all we are and all we believe. Since we came from God, He is the only source for the truth about ourselves and about the purpose of life. We came from God. In order to have eternal life and a reason for living, we must return to God.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Moses had been in the mount for nearly forty days and nights, and the people began to get anxious. They had refused a one-on-one fellowship with the Lord, but are now longing for a god to worship. Aaron, Moses’ brother and right hand man, is recruited to aid in the construction and worship of a golden calf. The end result significantly matches the worship of modern churches, and attention should be given to the righteous Moses, the man of God, and the Lord Himself.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Israel comes to a way station in the wilderness and must fight some new battles. Her first battle is with the elements: there is no water. This shows us that the natural problems of life can be a great trial for us and can tempt us to murmur against God. The second battle is with a visible enemy: Amalek. Amalek grieves Israel through much of the Old Testament. We battle Amalek in the form of the flesh.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
God has delivered Israel from Egypt. But now the real test comes. Israel no longer has the wealth of Egypt upon which to rely. Will they be willing to trust in the Lord for their provision? Will they find Him to be sufficient?<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Just as our day of salvation is a day of new beginnings for us (2 Corinthians 5:17), so the Passover is a day of new beginnings for the Israelites (Exodus 12:2). They start their calendar in a new place when they are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. No wonder Jesus is called our “passover” (1 Corinthians 5:7). When the angel of judgment comes to your door, will he pass over you because you are under the blood?<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>