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This passage tells of the translation of Elijah to heaven, but the real story is about Elisha. He is determined to follow his master to the end and he desires a double portion of Elijah’s blessing. We see that he gets the blessing and begins to perform some of the miracles for which he is known. O, that we might follow hard after God (Psalm 63:8) as Elisha followed hard after the spirit of Elijah!
Elijah had just enjoyed one of the greatest victories in the Bible record. He follows it up with a great defeat.
Many people today are attempting to live for the world while making claims of being a servant of God. The only problem is that according to scripture we cannot serve two masters. May we be like Joshua who said, "but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
Have you ever wondered if the Bible that you have has errors in it? Can we find the word of God today or has it been lost in the original languages? Is it even important to know whether we can find the words of God? Let's allow the Bible speak for itself.
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.