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We have read and studied so much about rebellion that it is beginning to get old. Imagine how Moses and Aaron must have felt—much less the Lord. God treats rebellion as the greatest of sins (1 Samuel 15:23). It is a terrible accusation to call a people a rebellious generation (Psalm 78:8). Yet, here they go again. How can we detect rebellion in a person; in a people; in a family; in a church? What steps can we take to avoid being rebellious?<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
The story is ending. The last of the founding patriarchs are dying. This is a story of burials and not of births. Yet, hope remains. It remains in the hearts. It remains in the last request of Joseph to carry his bones back to the land of Canaan when God visits His people.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Jacob’s time is short. It will not be long before he departs this world. Before he passes, he calls for his sons to gather together that he might tell them the things that will befall them in the last days. Some of the sons receive good news, while others hear of loss and condemnation.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Although this lesson may seem anticlimactic, God is still fulfilling His blessings on Joseph and rewarding him for his faithfulness. Our final reward comes in heaven (1 Peter 1:4). Yet, we can be sure that our God will make all things work out to the good of those who love Him.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
This lesson grandly illustrates God’s providential preservation of and provision for His people. The brothers’ act of hatred in selling Joseph into slavery becomes the way by which God preserves His people in famine (Genesis 45:4-8).<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Joseph has been exalted to the second place in the entire land of Egypt. Now all that needs to take place in order for the dreams of his youth to be fulfilled is for his brothers to come and bow down to him. God is working this out through the famine that is in the land. He is also preparing for the preservation of the children of Israel through the next 400 years. God’s providence is seen as strongly here as it is in the book of Esther. He is bringing all things together for His good.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Joseph’s story takes up the remainder of the book of Genesis and, as such, is one of the more detailed lives in the Bible. The story is of one who does right and yet seems to be hurt all the more for it. Yet, in the end, God exalts His beloved one and he stands as second in all the land of Egypt and is the instrument for the deliverance of the people of God. The practical message of his life is to do right and God will take care of the rest. But, for now and for several chapters to come, the outlook looks gloomy. We will have to wait to see the blessings of his righteous life.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Jacob reaches great heights of spiritual maturity in this lesson. He wrestles with the angel of God and prevails. His name is changed form one that means supplanter to one that means prince of God. He faces his greatest fear (Esau) and comes out victorious. He is touched by God and is never the same again.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Jacob is still the deceiver. However, God is still blessing him and is certainly teaching him. In this lesson, he learns what it is to be deceived himself. We should consider our actions in like manner. Would we be willing to receive from others what we give to them?<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
This lesson gives several examples, both negative and positive, of waiting on God. Isaac waited on the right bride. He also waits on the promised offspring (as opposed to his father who went in to Hagar). He seeks God’s help through prayer. Rebekah prays for an answer to the dilemma of the struggle in her womb and God gives her special insight into His plan.