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There are several practical lessons here including doing good to those who have done good to you, avoiding shaming people publicly, and fighting the battle of this life with courage and complete trust in the work that the Lord will do for us.
God had promised the Israelites that He had reserved a land of milk and honey for them (Exodus 3:8; Exodus 13:5; Leviticus 20:24). He had even “espied” the land Himself for them (Ezekiel 20:5-6), but they had to see for themselves (see Deuteronomy 1:22-23). They could not take God’s word that He would give them the land. They had to determine for themselves whether or not they could take it. As a result, God removed His blessings and allowed them to walk in their own counsels (Psalm 81:10-12). He let them wander for forty years in the wilderness (Ezekiel 20:13-17).<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
One of the most difficult things in dealing with spiritual leaders is knowing how to deal with them when you believe they are wrong. As usual, there are two extremes: you can blindly follow a leader into even sin and heresy (Matthew 23:13-15), or you can rebel against him and bring upon yourself the wrath of God. This lesson gives an example of the second extreme.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Consider again the progression of the themes of the five books of Moses. Genesis deals with creation; Exodus with redemption; Leviticus with holiness; Numbers with wilderness wanderings; Deuteronomy with obedience to and the love of God. The order is important. Exodus pictures salvation and Leviticus pictures sanctification. What is the purpose of Numbers? It portrays the importance that various trials have in the growth of the believer. No Christian matures until he or she goes through serious trials and remains faithful to the Lord (Romans 5:3-5; 1 Peter 1:6-7). Unfortunately, Numbers is mostly an illustration of what to avoid doing.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
This chapter deals specifically with the law of the Nazarite. Whereas chapter 5 dealt with separation from something, chapter 6 deals with separation unto God. This lesson demonstrates the great blessing found in voluntarily setting your life apart for the purpose of bringing glory to the Lord.<br />
<h4>Section Heading:</h4>
The Lord desired to dwell in the midst of His people, but in order for this to happen they had to be willing to separate from the defiled. Though we live in a different dispensation and some things have changed concerning the presence of God, we still must be willing to separate from defilement.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
God established seven original annual feasts for the children of Israel as described here in Leviticus 23. Two later feasts were recognized in the Bible. The feast of Purim was established in the book of Esther (Esther 9:20-32). The feast of Hanukkah was established during the time between the testaments but was sanctioned by the New Testament where it was called the feast of dedication (John 10:22).
Nadab and Abihu are dead. By all appearances the situation is hopeless, but it is in this context that the Lord institutes a yearly sacrifice that is meant to atone for the sins of the people. What a glorious sacrifice for the Old Testament saints, and what a glorious picture of “the atonement” (Romans 5:11) that we have found in Jesus Christ.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Joseph’s story takes up the remainder of the book of Genesis and, as such, is one of the more detailed lives in the Bible. The story is of one who does right and yet seems to be hurt all the more for it. Yet, in the end, God exalts His beloved one and he stands as second in all the land of Egypt and is the instrument for the deliverance of the people of God. The practical message of his life is to do right and God will take care of the rest. But, for now and for several chapters to come, the outlook looks gloomy. We will have to wait to see the blessings of his righteous life.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>
Someone has counted seven different sets of instructions concerning the tabernacle in the book of Exodus. Each set of instructions repeats some things and adds others. This approach is part of God’s special design for the book of Exodus, but it can confuse the casual reader. In order to make the tabernacle more understandable, this lesson follows topics more than the text. However, the bulk of our text deals with the furniture in the tabernacle and you can follow it in order under that topic below.<br />
<h4>Numbered List</h4>