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As soldiers we are to endure hardness, but sometimes we can get weary in the battle. This passage has a word for you. Also deals with 2 Timothy 2:12 on the word <em>deny</em>.
What about those who have never heard the gospel? Will they be held accountable before God?
The demands of the Christian life are great. You are not sure if you can match up. The truth is, you cannot. We can only serve the Lord fully through His enabling grace and power. That is the message of this sermon.
<em>General revelation</em> is God’s revelation of truth to all men at all times. It comes through means such as circumstances (or God’s providential working in the affairs of men), conscience (the inner knowledge of men), and creation. <em>Special revelation</em> is God’s revelation to special or particular people at special or particular times (Hebrews 1:1).
We look on service today as something beneath our dignity. However, Jesus said, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant”. And here, in this passage, a temporary servant becomes a lifetime servant of his own free will. What is the Lord trying to teach us?