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This sermon is about the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, the curse upon the fig tree, and the cleansing of the temple.
the seven years of famine...we will take this incident in history as an allegory giving a picture of greater truths
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ:<br />
Central message of Acts (2:22-24; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:38-40; 13:28-30; 17:31)<br />
Key to personal salvation (Romans 10:9; 1Corinthians 15:14-17)
These notes cover the doctrine and history of the preservation of the Bible; sometimes this course is known as Manuscript Evidence
This world is filled with death. According to the Bible in Adam we all die. Where can we find hope? Is there a source of life? The answer is found in Jesus Christ. Do you know Him?