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We often get caught up in the times in which we live. When this happens, we become victims in our minds and lose our zeal for true service to God. This, in turn, leads to sin and judgment. The Lord will soon return. Are you ready?
As Christians, there are some things that God used in the generations before us and it's high time we dig afresh some of those wells.
Satan has robbed the church blind of its daughters. Do names like Jessie Daniels, Kelly Clarkson, Missy Elliott, Mariah Carey, Shelly King, and Britney Spears ring a bell? They all started out either going to Church as children or are in Church now. Who’s next? It may be that my daughter or your daughter is the next target of Satan. So what shall we do?
Interpretation of the women that sew pillows to armholes and hunt for the souls of men – soothsayers; fortune tellers, sorcerers. The ones Ezekiel is called to pronounce judgment against are hunting the souls of God’s people and polluting God among His people. This points to a broader application. This message focuses on those who make merchandise of God’s people in order to pollute God among His people.
Learn basic rules of Bible interpretation.